Chapter 14

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Wisdom Elementary School

Manik was roaming around the school and observing the children busy in their own self.

Manik: Mera beta kitna bada ho gaya hoga. (My boy must have grown up so much.)

He said to himself with a sad smile. Some memories of Aru started playing in his mind and instantly his eyes became teary.

He was with the teacher Akash as he suggested him that he will show him the whole school.

Akash: And these are th students of nursery. It's their playtime that's why they are playing now.

Manik smiled looking at the little kids playing. His eyes fell on a little girl who was laughing her heart out while running accross with her friends.

He was admiring the baby with a beautiful smile on his face. But his smile didn't last long as he saw a ball coming towards her with full speed which can hurt her badly.

So without thinking anything he ran towards her and taking her in his arms he moved at a side. With this sudden movement the baby got scared and hugged him tightly.

For some unknown reason Manik felt peace taking her in his arms. Keeping her down he broke the hug and cupped her face.

Manik: Are you alright?? Did you get hurt?? Nothing happened to you right??

She was just looking at him not knowing what had happened. Just then the teacher Akash approached them.

Akash: Ikshita did you get hurt anywhere?? Actually a ball was coming near you and he saw it and came running to save you.

Manik examined her to find any scratches. Not finding anything he let out a breath of relief and signalled Akash that she is fine.

Akash: So Ikshita meet him. He is our teacher. Manik.
And Manik this is our little princess Ikshita Ma.....

His sentence left unfinished as they heard a strong voice from behind.


Akash: And here comes the possessive brother.

Seeing him Akash said to himself but Manik heard it. He looked towards the direction to see a boy of almost 10 years standing there.

But the thing which attracted him was his eyes. The same eyes which are very much familiar to him.

Aryan came near them and hugged her. He had seen how the ball was coming towards her. He was about to come near her but before coming he saw someone rushed towards her and saved her.

Akash: She is fine Aryan. Nothing happened to her. He saved her. So relax.

Breaking the hug he looked towards the person whom Akash indicated for saving Ikshu's life.

Aryan was scared for his sister and it was clearly indicated in this face. As soon as he turned towards Manik the scared expression that was present in his face changed. It was noticed by Manik. But can't can't figure out what the expression looked like. It was not scared neither it was angry and irritating nor happy. But it was something different.

While for Aryan seeing his father in front of him after so many years made him still in his position. He was unable to understand what he would do. Would he get happy and run and crush in his arms or he would be angry with him for making her his mumma to suffer so much.

Another thought came in his mind which shook him to core. What if he takes Ikshu away from them!!!!

All his thoughts were broken when he felt a soft little hand clutching his hand. He looked down to see Ikshu looking at him with innocent eyes.

Ikshu: I'm fine bhai. See nothing happened to me.

She said twirling around. Then she looked at Manik who was already looking at her. She gave him a beautiful smile which instantly reflected in his face as well.

She went near him and stood in front of him. Manik sat down on his knees to match her height but failed as she was so little.

Ikshu: Thank you so much sir for saving me.

Manik smiled and kept his hand on her head.

Manik: My pleasure little princess.

Ikshu: I know this would be my brother who would have thanked you. But never mind. He is like that only. He never tells sorry not thank you to anyone.

As she was saying all this Manik remembered about Nandini. She used to complain about him for the same. He was wondering how can there be so much similarities between these two kids and them.

He kept his thoughts aside and took her little hands in his.

Manik: Have anyone ever told you that you are too small to talk like this!!

Hearing him she poured which was fully similar to Nandini. It was getting hard for him to handle all this as he was still too weak to tolerate this. Whenever he thinks about Nandini and Aryan his condition becomes devastated. And he didn't want to show his that devastated site to anyone especially not here.

As they were talking Aryan was getting restless. Not able to control more he went near them and holding Ikshu's hand he took her away from Manik. But in this process Ikshu got hurt in her hand.

Ikshu: It's paining Bhai. Please leave my hand.

But he was not in a mood to listen. He took her away from them. Manik took some time to register what just happened while Akash tried to stop Aryan but all went in vain.

Manik stood up and went near Akash.

Manik: What just happened..?? I mean.....

Akash: Relax man. They are like that only. Ikshita is a very sweet and bubbly girl but her brother is over possessive for her.

Manik listened to him and once again they reminded him of him being over possessive for his Nandini. The two kids whom he barely knows reminding him about Them. Him and his Nandini. Why are they effecting him so much..?? Why does their every single posture resembles them..?? Why..?? Who are they..??

To be continued..........

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