Chapter 31

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Manik hugged her as well. Both were devastated but being in each other's arms after years they felt peace.

Nandini was crying like a baby in his arms. She was feeling ashamed of herself as she had failed to understand him.

Whereas Manik was consuming the warmth that he had lost years back.

Manik took a deep breath to control himself as he has to control her now as well.

Manik: Stop crying Nandini. You will become ill like this.

He tried to detach himself from her only to get her hold more tight.

Nandini: Don't go.....

Manik: Let's get up first Nandini... I'm not going anywhere.

Manik detached himself from her and both of them got up. They settled down on the couch. But Nandini didn't left Manik for a moment. She kept hugging him for her dear life.

After some moment Nandini looked up at him with eyes full of tears.

Nandini: I saw your showed that..that you were in....coma....for 3 years....

Her words were just a whisper. Manik sighed and wiped her tears.

Manik: It is true Nandini. I was in coma for 3 years.

Nandini straighten herself and sat facing him.

Nandini: Does anything happened after I left..?? Please clear this mess Manik I can't handle this anymore....

She said holding his hands.

Manik: That day after you left I was devastated.... I was not able to think what to do then. Alya came there with Harshad and some goons. She wanted to spend time with me or else you can say she wanted to spend the night with me.
I became so furious that I took away a gun from one of a goon and shooted Alya. I so wanted to kill her but suddenly I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head followed by two bullets. I fell down on the ground and darkness engulfed me.
When I woke up I was in the hospital. The first person I saw after waking up was Nisha. I asked her about you if you have known everything and come to me but the thing that shook me to the core was that I had woken up after 3years. Doctors checked on me and said that I had lost a lot of blood before I was brought to the hospital due to which I went in coma.
Nisha told me that Alya was alright and Harshad and Alya both were searching for me but they didn't knew about my whereabouts. Nisha helped me to get a disguise and we both left Mumbai in search of you. We didn't had enough savings with us that's why I took a job over here as a music teacher. And the rest you know.....

He looked at her to see her looking at her with a void expression.

He sighed out and held her hand in a firm grip when he heard her saying.

Nandini: Will you be able to forgive me ever in your life Manik....??

He was confused hearing her.

Manik: Why are you saying that Nandini..!! Why will you even apologies to me..!! I am the one who should be appologising to you.

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