What secrets do you hold izuku.

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Heyyyyy...author here so I decided to rework this book I just needed to I've reread it and everything didn't make sense the plot didn't make sense nothing did and it's been bugging me I never had the chance to get to redo the book but I was free today so I decided to redo it clearly with the help of SCat106  she's such a great writer and such a good friend I absolutely adore her. I also thank her for helping me with this book and editing it she's a huge inspiration, you all need to check out her work it's addicting 🙈

3rd person pov

"Deku-Kun!~ are you sure you don't wanna come to the party!"
Uraraka asked

"Why not. I don't have anything else to do."
Deku said with a sincere smile, leaning back in his chair, making it rock on its back legs.

She smiled back, happily.
"Great! Me and Mina will invite the others!"
She said before running off to find her friends.

I need to inform Shiggy that I'm not coming back tonight.
Deku thought as he scratched his head with stress, he got the things he needed and headed off to get ready for Uraraka's party. When it was time he headed off to her house. When he got there he saw a lot of cars parked, girls and boys drinking, and talking outside the house. It was packed with people on both floors,
"What a surprise."
Deku mumbled before walking inside, he really wasn't expecting so many people, but it didn't bother him. He saw the familiar blond spiked hair and quirked a brow.
What's Katsuki doing here?
He thought and walked over
"Kacchan? What are you doing here"
Deku asked.
"Shitty hair and dumb face invited me here!"
Katsuki snored, pointing a thumb over his shoulder at the two who were already downing drinks. Deku hummed

"Why don't we join them and get some drinks together?"
Deku asked with a smile.

"Sure... not like I have something better to do."
Katsuki shrugged. They both walked over to the table, grabbing some drinks, and drank them in silence. After they finished they got more. This continued until they were both quite tipsy. They giggled and laughed together over nothing. Stumbling over to the table Deku tripped and they both burst into another fit of giggles. As the night dragged on one thing led to another... like making out.

Izuku had Katsuki propped on a table, kissing him, his tongue collided with the blond. His hands found their way to Bakugo's thighs, then up his shirt, feeling how he shivered with the touch. He moaned and his pheromones began to ooze out over Deku and in turn the alpha deepened the kiss further. This became too much and Katsuki pulled away, taking deep breaths, within a moment he regained himself. When he realized He was making out with izuku he lost it. Shoving him away he sprung off the table.
"What the fuck! Why- oh my fucking... shit!"
He didn't know what to say, running his sweaty hands through his hair.

"What's the matter?"
Izuku hummed, leaning back into Bakugo.
Katsuki was at a loss for words. He glanced around, taking in his surroundings, realizing the music was slowly dying down he pushed izuku away, quickly running off leaving a smirking alpha in his wake.
"Let's see how long you can last Katsuki."
He snickered and walked off standing at the window seeing how Bakugo drove off in a swerving mess.


Katsuki soon got home and was a mess. Stumbling out of the cruckedly parked vehicle. Falling through the front door he slammed it behind himself, leaning his back against it and panting as sweat slid down his back.
"What the fuck was that? Wh- what happened? How did we-"
He whispered to himself, his fingers absentmindedly brushing over his lips.

His father said

He gasped in surprise, pushing off the door.

"Where were you so late? Your mother is gonna go crazy!"
Masaru whispered-yelled, his head sticking out from behind a nearby wall.

"I know, I know, don't tell the old hag. I'll do chores but please"
He begged, too tired to deal with his mother at that time. Masaru sighed and quietly fixed his glasses.

"Go quickly, she's in her room."
he told Katsuki confirming his wife was in the room,

"Thanks old man"
He slid his shoes off running up the stairs to his room. Locking himself in he stripped off his clothes as he got something comfortable to wear. Which was cotton shorts and a black tank top. Putting on face cream and lip balm he settled in bed. Getting comfortable and turning his led lights on. He tried to close his eyes and sleep but finding it impossible he pulled out his phone and scrolled on social media for what felt like hours. Eventually his eyelids started getting heavier so he called it a night, turning his phone off, and snuggling into the blankets and pillows of his bed.


As the new day rolled in Katsuki's alarm blared loudly he groaned hitting the alarm hard turning it off, he laid in bed for a little while before he got up he threw on his UA uniform he brushed his spiky blond hair and put Cherry clear gloss on his lips he got his bag and walked down the stairs
"Good morning old hags" he yawned
"Shut up brat and eat your breakfast" mitsuki said as she sipped her coffee "whatever" he rolled his eyes and sat down eating his pancakes

Once he was done with his food he washed his plate and walked to the door he slid his shoes on and grabbed his bag heading out the door. Before he left he had taken some medicine cause he had a hangover, as he drove down the streets to UA he thought about the events that happened last night. He couldn't tell whether he should be furious or not but his thoughts were soon dismissed as he reached UA he parked his car in the student parking lot he got out his car locking it as he walked inside the building "another day in this shithole full of a bunch of extras." He whispered as he walked to his locker

He opened it putting his bag in he then closed it heading to his first class once he arrived he sat down in his favorite seat which was in the far corner where he could observe everyone. Soon one by one the class started filling up but he didn't see the mop of green hair he didn't know why but it upset him that Izuku didn't come to school today.

"Alright ungrateful brats today we're gonna learn about the history of how UA was created and how we all got our quirks." Aizawa their teacher said as he sipped his black coffee as he was teaching the speaker went off asking all teachers to go to the courtyard aizawa furrowed his brows and set his mug down "stay here and DONT move at all." He said before leaving

Mina was getting irritated and tried opening the door but soon all the windows shut and the door was not budging. Not long after the room started filling with gas sleeping gas. Katsuki started feeling loopy and sleepy, before he blacked out he saw the door open revealing villains and a mop of green hair. His body fell to the floor with a hard thud his hair falling over his face..

 His body fell to the floor with a hard thud his hair falling over his face

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2023 ⏰

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