●♡Chapter Two♡●

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My partner for my project is who?!

--->Note: No pictures/memes are mine unless stated as such

--->I decided to change it up a little and turn it into where the characters turn yandere for y/n

---> So from now on at the end of each chapter, each character she meets with in each chapter will have a percentage

---> The percentages will represent the attachment to y/n, depending on each meet the percentages can either raise or lower

--->10% Means the person person at least acknowledges y/n

--->20% Means the person sees you as an aquantence

--->30% Means the person sees you as a good friend

--->40% Means the person has a strong bond with you

--->50% Means that person is leaving the green zone and is entering the orange zone, this person is starting to get attached

--->60% Means the person is fully in the orange zone and has started to become obsessed with you, they will start to become jealous of others

--->70% Means the person is slowly leaving the orange zone and will want to keep you away from others that isn't them/they don't trust

--->80% Means the person is entering the red zone and will do anything to make you pleased

--->90% Means the person has entered the red zone completely and will literally do anything for you even if that means they will get hurt in the process

--->100%/Higher Means the person is in the state of mind that they will kill for you if necessary, They will be so attached that no one can change them from this state of mind

(Be cautious of those who have 80% and above, they are highly unstable and dangerous, even if they won't hurt you, they won't hesitate to hurt others around you)

---> I hope you all enjoy the next Chapter!


I woke up to my alarm clock. Mitsuri didn't have classes today so she was still sleep. I got all of my clothes on and grabbed my bags. "You leavin already?" I heard mitsuri ask sleepily. "Yup, wanna go get some ice cream later today?" I asked. "Mhm!" She hummed in response. "Alright, I'll see you later." I said. "Ok." She said. I left and headed off to school. At the school gate I saw the girl from yesterday. Once she noticed me she headed over to me and handed me a packaged slice of cake. "Here, I'm sorry for knocking your cake onto the ground yesterday." She said. "Oh, it's alright. It was an accident after all, but thank You! I'm y/n by the way." I said. "I'm daki, I'm can I get your number?" She asked. I smiled. "Of course!" I said. Her face lit up as she handed me her phone.

I added in my number. "There you go, sorry to cut this short but I gotta get to class. I'll talk to you later though!" I said waving to her as she left. I pulled out my phone to text the group chat.

Guess who just got a pretty girls number!

Kagaya is online
Mitsuri is online
Sanemi is online
Rengoku is online
Tengen is online
Obani is online
Shinobu is online
gyomei is online
Giyu is online

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