●♡Chapter Four♡●

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--->Guess who's back! I also got a new phone😌 sorry about the long wait, I was on a major writers block but hey, now I'm back! A lot has happened since I've been gone and I've honestly haven't touched this app in a while(like what six months?😭) so I decided I should actually get back started on this lol. I honestly did not expect this to get over 1.0k views lol.

---> I'll make sure to try and make future chapters long.

--->My updates will probably be a little slow since I'm busy with school and all, but I will make sure to still update until this story is over with!

--->At the end of this book, I will be taking suggestions if you want to leave any, I'll make sure to leave credit if the idea👍🏾

--->Anyways I hope you enjoy chapter four!

"What in the fu-..." As I walked in I saw the group instantly. I mean who wouldnt have noticed this particular group. Three people (more specifically douma, akaza, and one I didn't recognize) they were running through the mall. Douma was definitely the one getting chased for something. Muzan was looking at them with a face full of disappointment, daki and gyutaro seemed to be having some sort of sibling rivalry, then there were two I also didn't know but they seemed quite familiar. Daki quickly seemed to notice my and covered her brothers mouth with a single hand. "y/n!" She yelled waving to me with her free hand. The others in the group noticed what she said and turned to me.

"Y/n!" Douma yelled. Both him and daki ran to me and tackled me in a hug, which quickly turned into a game of tug-o-war. "Let go of her you man whore!" Daki yelled. "I'd never let her go!" He yelled back. "Guys calm down." I said with a laugh. "Both of you let her go and act more civilized." Muzan said glaring at them. "Sorry boss!" Douma said letting me go, daki let me go as well but was a bit more hesitant. Muzan turned to me, his gaze softening up a bit. "I apologize for them, daki told me you were joining us today so I tried to keep them on their best behavior until you arrived." He said returning his glare to the others. "Oh no it's alright, I'm just glad I don't have to sit around bored." I said with a laugh.

I'm starting to wonder what makes muzan so bad, sure he's leading a group of some of the most aggressive college students...but he doesn't seem to hold much hostile traits. Maybes he hiding them, or perhaps he's the son of a Mafia boss and is forming a group! And then that would mean...Kagaya is related to the Mafia?! He's too sweet for that noooo. I internally cried, not paying attention to my surroundings before accidentally bumping into someone. "Hey watch where you're- ohoho! If it isn't little y/n." It was Rachel, the most annoying girl I have ever met. I sighed and rolled my eyes, "It's nice to see you too." "Hmph, don't flatter yourself." She said with a smirk. I gave her a confused and annoyed look, I didn't even do anything for a reaction like that. "I'm guessing you're still doing that petty job huh? Listen I'll do you a favor so you can stop disgracing the family, come get me when you want a real job... you'll know where I be at." I smirked and placed a hand on my hip while leaning to the side a little. "Hopefully at a dentist." This earned a few laughs from both my group and hers. She turned sharply and glared causing the one behind her to be quiet.

"You stupid bitch." She mumbled. "Ah you must be going a little crazy, since talking to yourself is a sign of going insane." I laughed as I shook my head. "What the hell did you say to me?!" She brought her hand up and brought it down quickly to hit me but I caught it. I glared at her as I tightened my grip. I leaned in and whispered in her ear, "Listen here you incompetent little bitch. If you even think about touching me and ruining my face I'll fuck your ass up so badly no one will be able to recognize you not even yourself." I then leaned back and smiled as if nothing ever happened. I let go of her wrist which showed a bruise, "You dumb bitch this isnt over!" She yelled before dragging her crew behind her. I snickered, "Yeah yeah, have fun telling your mommy you ran home with your tail between your legs you scared rat!" I yelled at her. I sighed and turned around, "She's a real pain in the ass." Silence fell on the group until akaza said something. "That was so girl boss!" "I agree, you're so badass!" Daki said with a smile.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2023 ⏰

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