Weasley grudge

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A/N: Stirling is a wizarding and witchcraft school I came up with

Lucy didn't forgive her father for not supporting her dream. She spent her last two years at Stirling Academy of the Arts, in Greece. Then, when she graduated she came home for the huge party that was being thrown for her cousins graduating(Fred, Louis, Roxanne, James, and her). She didn't talk to Percy at all the whole night, but had joyful conversations with Audrey. Her and Mason left the day after, bags packed and not planning on returning for a long time. They went travelling all over the world. Mason was a photographer and Lucy got her Art into different Museums. The two became fluent in many languages. 

Percy hated this, hated her disowning him as a father, but he couldn't tell Lucy to do anything. She was of age, afterall. 

Weasley's do have a wicked grudge. 

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