"Everything has a reason."

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Obsessive love disorder (OLD) refers to a condition where you become obsessed with one person you think you may be in love with. You might feel the need to protect your loved one obsessively, or even become controlling of them as if they were a possession.

"And that is pretty much all you need to know. Of course there will be things that will come up, I'm not expecting you to know everything after just a few hours of being in the building. Don't hesitate to ask me anything, at any time. Within reason, of course." Judah placed his hands in his pockets.

"Thank you again. I'll try not to be too much of a pest." Zina joked, staring at her feet on the ground.

He hung his head low and chuckled. "I highly doubt you could do that. I'm serious, ask away. Just as much as it's your job to help me, it's mine to help you."

"Oh, so you're my assistant now? Is this a trade of talents?"

"If you need be, Ms. Alexie."

"Eh, call me Zina. Ms. Alexie makes me feel old." She corrected him.

He furrowed his brows. "But you said—" She tilted her head at him and once he finally caught on, he couldn't help but to laugh. "Understandable. Say, if he gives you any problems, you just let me know, alright? I'll handle it." His tone became slightly more serious as he gave her perfect eye contact.

"I can't handle myself now?" She questioned.

"I won't doubt your capability. However, if you ever feel like you can't, you know where to find me." He smiled, those strong dimples of his making their sudden appearance.

"I'll take note on that." She began to walk back into her office until he stopped her by asking her to wait.

"We have another important meeting tomorrow and I need you to arrive a little early so you can help me prepare these documents for Mr. Key. I'll email you the format and I need you to print out 20 copies of each, is that alright?"

"I didn't even think to get a printer for myself. Way to go, Zinah." She thought to herself. Still, she smiled. "Yeah, that's fine. I'll make sure to have those ready for you."

"With that attitude, we'll get along just fine. I'll see you tomorrow."

She pulled her bottom lip into her mouth and watched as he walked out, she knew he would soon become a problem. No man that walked the way he walked and talked the way he talked ever slipped from her sights. Ever. Shaking her head, she waltzed back into her new office. She didn't have much else to do for the day and she was already on her break, so she figured she would head to the Starbucks right across the street from the building. She stood in line and scanned the menu with nothing but her eyes, just so she could look occupied and not have to stare into the back of the head of the person in front of her. She ordered the same thing every time she came to this place, no matter the location.

"You're not a face I recognize. Are you new in town?" She refrained from jumping at the startling voice that addressed her from behind. She turned around to see a man with clear dark skin, a very toned body, pearly white teeth and lips that seemed to be moisturized for days. "Sorry, it's just that I come here literally every day on my lunch break and typically see the same set of people. You look a little... curious."

She laughed, she didn't realize how much of a tourist she looked like. Her eyes wandered everywhere but the menu she was once looking at as if she were trying to get the idea of what people in New York look like. Nothing different from anywhere else. "Uh, yeah. Is it that obvious?"

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