"Don't get too comfortable."

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Saturday, November 17th

Judah stood at 6'1", his presence commanding attention even in the bustling gym. His slender yet muscular build was accentuated by the tight compression shirt he wore, the fabric clinging to every curve of his well-defined torso. The shirt, a deep shade of black, contrasted sharply with his lightly tanned skin, making the intricate tattoos that covered his arms and chest, and peeking out from beneath the hemline of his shorts even more striking.

As he moved through his workout, the sleeves of his shirt strained against the muscles in his biceps and triceps, highlighting the intricate ink that decorated his arms.

Judah's legs, equally tattooed and muscular, were showcased by his athletic shorts, which ended just above his knees. His calves bulged as he performed a set of calf raises, the definition in his muscles clear even beneath a sheen of sweat.

His face, though set in a determined expression, softened when he paused between sets to catch his breath. Beads of sweat trickled down from his short, dark hair, past his sharp jawline, and onto his neck, where more tattoos were etched into his skin. His eyes, intense and focused, scanned the gym briefly before he resumed his workout.

As he moved to the pull-up bar, his shirt rode up slightly, revealing a glimpse of the tattoos on his lower abdomen. He gripped the bar firmly, his knuckles white with effort, and began a set of pull-ups. Each pull brought out the definition in his back and shoulders, the compression shirt straining to contain his muscles. And though he was completely engrossed in his routine, there was an unspoken attraction about him that drew eyes from around the gym—particularly Zina's, who couldn't tear her gaze away from him as she pretended to concentrate on her own workout.

Little to his knowledge, Zina had been doing plenty of research on Judah over the past week. He sparked her interest, which was both a blessing and a curse. While he was away from his office, she skimmed through his email, finding messages from the Planet Fitness about his active membership. Following this, she found his address, which really was public information to the company, and searched for a Planet Fitness near where he lived. She went up there and used her charm to find out from the desk receptionist if he was enrolled there or not and once it was confirmed, she enrolled herself there. Zina didn't know much about working out, but she knew she wanted Judah and that was just enough to pay $10 a month.

The gym was alive with activity as Zina worked through her routine, meticulously timing her exercises to coincide with Judah's movements. She kept a careful eye on him from a distance, ensuring her presence remained unnoticed. Judah, engrossed in his workout, had no idea she was there, watching him.

Zina adjusted the incline on her treadmill, pretending to focus on her run while her gaze repeatedly drifted towards Judah. She watched as he moved from the bench press to the pull-up bar, his muscles flexing with each controlled movement. Her heart pounded with a mix of excitement and anticipation. The way the black fabric of his shirt clung to his torso, highlighting his well-defined chest and shoulders, sent shivers down her spine.

Her eyes traced the beads of sweat that trickled down from his dark hair, past his sharp jawline, and onto his neck, where more tattoos lay. She found every detail intoxicating. She bit her lip, trying to maintain her composure as her gaze lingered on Judah. The intensity in his eyes, the focus and determination etched on his face, only made him more irresistible. Her own workout became a blur, her mind consumed by thoughts of Judah. She imagined what it would be like to run her fingers over the tattoos on his arms, to feel the strength in his muscles beneath her touch. The idea of being close to him filled her with a fierce determination.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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