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The sun is setting on a nice warm day and you're sitting on the grass waiting for the sun to set so you can snap a nice picture.

You've been learning about photography for a while now and you mostly take nature shots, so this is what you're use to. After waiting a bit the sky explodes with vibrant colors of purple, blue, orange and pink.

You quickly steady yourself for the perfect shot, 3...2...1 *click*. Now fully standing up you look at the photo and start to smile "Yes! This is so good" you say to yourself.

The sunset fades into the night sky and you quickly pack up your equipment before it gets to cold.

Walking back home you think of other ways you can take great pics when you hear Fanky's voice "Hey Y/N hows your day been".

You look up to Franky leaning against the counter of the tobacco stand with one hand on his cheek and the other tapping away.

Suddenly an evil grin comes across your face "Hey Franky, can you help me with something" you say walking towards him.

"Um... Tell me what it is first" Franky says sitting up straight with a confused face.

You pick up the camera that's around your neck and put it up to your face "I wanna take some pictures of you".

"Why me" Franky says scratching the back of his head.

"Well, I only really take nature pictures but I wanna work on taking pictures of people" you say putting the camera back down.

Franky thinks about it for a bit and eventually agrees as long as it doesn't take to long.

"Alright" you say full of excitement as ideas come rushing to your head.

"Do you mind if I move you into the poses if I can't think of clear directions"?


You start blushing at the thought of all the ways you can get him to pose.

"Ok, can you stand up and lean against the counter with your hands on it, your elbows straight and looking at me"

Franky does so and gets into the pose.

You put the camera to your face and *click* *click* *click* you take burst shots hoping at least one will come out good.

"Now...." You struggle for a second with what you exactly want him to do, so you go up to him and pull on his tie a little to loosen it, then you go to unbutton his shirt but he steps back a little.

"Sorry, I just need three undone" you say taking your hands away.

Franky unbuttons the other two on his own and goes back into a relaxed stance.

You can't help but blush looking at him like this, quickly you push aside any dirty thoughts and begin directing him again.

"Please put your left hand up in a fist and have your palm facing you, then put your right hand on the button of your sleeve and look down".

As he does so you can see his veins popping, you start getting a bit giddy but you stay professional and *click* *click* *click* you take more burst shots.

He then takes out his phone and checks the time "It's starting to get pretty late, how many more do you wanna take".

"I have at least one more idea, if you'll follow me".

"Alright, let me close up shop first".

You patiently wait for him to close up shop then you two start walking and after a couple of minutes you both approach a park bench.

"Can you sit down for me and slouch a little with your elbows on the back of the bench and spread your legs".

Franky does as you ask, his tie still loose and buttons still undone, he flashes a quick smirk "anything else".

You die inside because you can tell he's starting to feel confident.

"L-look up".

He does so fully exposing his addams apple, you quickly take another burst shot *click* *click* *click*.

It's cold but you can feel that your face is burning, you set your camera back down and bring your hands up to cool your face down.

Franky brakes the silence "Ok, that's enough for tonight, I'm getting tired".

"Just one more and I'll be done...please" you say with your hands clasped together.

*Sigh* "Fine, after this I'll denie any more. This better be the last one".

"I promise, how about we take the last one at your place so that way you'll already be home after I'm done".

"Ok" Franky stands up and starts walking, you follow him to his house and inside.

Once inside you take his dinning room chair and put it near his living room wall.

"Ok, sit down please".

After he sits down you take off his tie and pull his suspenders down so they hang at his hips.

His face turns red but he keeps quiet so you can get the picture over with.

"Put your right hand in your pocket and let your left arm hang down, then stick one leg out and keep the other against the chair".

This time he looks at you with seductive eyes and a smirk.

You take the last picture of the night *click* *click* *click* even though you'd love to continue, he said no more so you go ahead and take the camera off of your neck and put it into your bag.

"Thank you for letting me test my photography skills, I'll download these to my phone and show you them tomorrow".

"Alright, but don't be surprised if they aren't that great... Not saying you suck at taking pictures, I just mean you didn't have the best model".

You stop at the door and say " I think they turned out great " then you open the door and leave as quickly as possible.

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