French Fries and Milkshakes

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Third Pov:

A normal day was boring for Y/n but she couldn't complain a whole lot about it

After all after school she was gonna go to the local diner and get a milkshake and fries, her two favorite foods

She giggled with excitement and kept walking down the road to the school

When she got there she saw everyone doing there regular things,

Ditch and his "gang" we're leaning against a wall trying to scam a kid out of their lunch money

Vinnie was with that Stone fellow talking while he drank his Monster energy drink looking tired

She also saw skipp their too but as soon as she even stepped an inch in his direction he got up and ran to her.

"Y/n! I missed you so much!"

"Skipp it's only been a day"

Skipp was Y/n's best/closest friend and it didn't take long for her to realize how clingy he was

He would always be holding her at any chance he would get, but he thought of her only as a best friend

As the two hugged Stone looked confused but didn't say anything

"So you wanna get milkshakes after school?"

"Only if there's french fries in it"

When the two were gone Stone turned to Vinnie and asked

"Who's that girl Skipp always hangs out with?"

"I think her names Y/n or something I've never talked to her"

He only found himself more confused than before

Stone's Pov:

The end of the day was here and I walked out to see Skipp and that girl together

I looked at her closer and noticed how pretty she was,

Lovely looking hair and just the prettiest face he ever saw along with the most amazing eyes ever

I walked up to Skipp and Y/n nervously

"Heya Stone you need something?"

"Can I walked with you and your friend?"

Skipp genuinely looked shocked at my question for a moment but he turned to Y/n for an answer but she just shrugged


Him and Y/n smiled and walked with me being on the side of them both,

It was kinda awkward being the third wheel in their little tradition

"Hey Y/n did you hear about that thing that happened at the bar last night?"

"Didn't those two twins Cen and Ridgel try to steal some cheap wine from there once?"

I kept listening to the two talk and converse so easily but what can you expect from Skipp when he's around someone.

Just as the two were in the middle of their talking, a loud ringing went off

"Oh heck! I forgot I had to do something for my mom today"

Skipp turned to Y/n with a sad expression but she didn't look disappointed or mad at him.

"I'm sorry Y/n I have to go"

"It's okay Skipp I understand"

Skipp then turned to me with pleading eyes and I already started to regret coming along

"Stone could you please go with Y/n?"

"What I don't even know her"

"Well this is the perfect opportunity to get to know her"

I groaned but agreed, I couldn't leave a random girl here alone.

"Okay Y/n, Stone is gonna go with you!"

She looked at me with curiosity but I felt so akward and nervous but I didn't know why

She was just a regular girl who I only had to talk to for an hour maximum

As Skipp left Y/n waved off and started walking not even giving me a chance to catch up

Third Pov:

As Y/n and Stone walked it was filled with an unpleasant silence

"So Stone, why don't you tell me about yourself ?"

" like energy drinks I guess"

He cursed himself for being so nervous and werid

Y/n laughed a little at his response but didn't make fun of him

"Well I'm Y/n I like (hobby) and Milkshakes with fries it's a pleasure to meet you"

Stone felt less uncomfy and pulled out an energy drink from his pocket

When they finally reached the diner Y/n got all excited and grabbed Stone's hand to make him walk faster.

When stone entered the building he immediately wanted to leave

Mostly because of how overwhelming the smell of the place was,

It reeked of burgers and grease two things he absolutely hated but when he looked over at Y/n

She had no sign of disgust or anything negative

"So Stone are you getting anything?"

"Ah, no I uh. .I hate diner food"


Y/n nodded and went to a near by table that looked as nostalgic as ever.

It was decorated with a mostly red palette and a hard table with those uncomfortable comfy seats

Stone sat in front of her silently and drank more of his energy drink

"Heya Y/n, let me guess the Milkshake and fries?"

"You know it Jane"

The lady looked over at stone and then Y/n with a raised brow and a chuckle,

"And what can I get you sir?"

"I don't want anything"

The waitress walked off with her note pad and the two sat there for a minute without talking,

"So Stone, you don't seem like the type of person to like Skipp how did you two meet?"

"Uh, well he just suddenly came up to me and started talking. . And we just grew close I guess"

As the banter between the two continued so did the time and before they knew it, it was already 8:30 the two didn't care and continued on not realizing the melted milkshake and fries.

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