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Third POV

Vinnie looked over the ocean sea with a hopeful grin

As the salt like air hit her face, she was on an adventure with her friends

"Stone did you see that?"

"Only thing I see is ocean and ugliness"

Vinnie rolled her eyes at his comments and continued looking at the glorious sea

While it's true that there wasn't anything for miles on the Ramshackle Coast

There were other things out there,

Like Sirens and treasure to be found and pawned for.

While she looked at the water she heard a little crash from beneath the ship,

Skipp came rushing up to her yelling and hollering

"Vinnie! Vinnie! There's a thing downstairs and it's super mega scary!"

"Skipp what are you talking about, what thing?"

"Okay, so I went downstairs to go check for any cracks and when I did go down BAM! There was this slug thingy"

Vinnie's eyes widened as she realized what the creature was, A siren.

Skipp couldn't be alive if it was a siren no way,

Was it just a figment of his imagination?

"Okay what did it look it?"

"It have a really slimy tail and webbed hands but it had hair too"

"Did it have scales?"

Skipp tried to answer but was interrupted by Stone barfing into the water.

Vinnie looked out back at the sea worried as to what they would face,

But only time will tell

Time skip

It was raining and hard to see clearly due to the fog taking up everything

Vinnie told the others to get inside and take shelter while she manned the ship.

Loud thunder was on all sides of her and the ship rocked back and forth,

Skipp's cries were loud so loud anyone could hear them.

As she turned the ship it wouldn't stop turning

Panic rose in her body as she realized that it was gonna sink.


She screamed as she ran down the stair to warn the two,

But it was too late and the ship went under.


As the three bodies floated in the ocean aimlessly

Three creatures swam closer to them in curiosity, maybe they could be dinner.

One of the sirens with f/c scales went closer to the limp body of Vinnie,

She sniffed the Pirate contently.

The second green scaled Siren approached Vinnie with her sharp teeth exposed

Before the green one could tear into Vinnie's flesh,


The f/c Siren slashed her face as a warning, while also growling at her.

The Siren swam away into an underground cave that's was near the surface.

It was shallow enough for a person to live there as well

The Siren looked at Vinnie's face and poked it to wake her up.

Cough Cough

Vinnie threw up all the water that got in her lungs and looked around hastily,


She screamed as the Siren came closer to her,

Vinnie looked her up and down and she did admit the Siren was beautiful

But that didn't matter right now what did however was that this was a Siren.

Creatures known for being ruthless and trapping innocent people for food,

Never saving the very humans they eat.

Vinnie slowed her breath down and mustered all her courage

"D-did you save me?"

It nodded.

Vinnie's fear was relieved and she felt the same usual confidence as before

"Thank you..uh what's your name?"

The Siren looked around confused for a bit then it hit her.

She went under the water for a second and tried to spell her name with the water,

It didn't work and Vinnie started spitting out names that weren't Y/n.

Y/n the grabbed a flat but big rock and started to bite it roughy, the sound was awful to hear

Vinnie read the rock with a raised brow


The siren nodded with a large smile plastered her face. 

Vinnie smiled too and giggled a bit at the happiness Y/n expressed

Vinnie felt a small kind of banging in her chest that made her feel wired

It wasn't bad by any means but it was strange for sure

The pang made her want to reach out and grab the siren and hug her forever

Skipp always talked about wanting to kiss a girl before

'Was this what he meant by that?'

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2022 ⏰

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