forensic files

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"KIYOOMI!!" komori calls from the stairs, running up like a 7 year old. he goes into sakusas room. he's lying down watching a murder show on his tv.
sakusa replied not looking up from his show,
"yes, motoya?"

"hey, your mom said you have to go to the sports event in a few weeks."

"mhmm." sakusa replies, unfocused.

"dude, are you even listening?" komori questions sitting next to sakusa on his bed.


"ok, y/n is coming over to-" komori starts.

"hmm?" sakusa finally looks up from his show to see komori smirking at him. he laughs and bumps sakusa with his shoulder.

"so you like her huh? i bet you do. i'm just saying, y'all would be so cute together-"

"shut up. i barely even know her..." he trails off and sighs.

"don't worry, just trust me. she'll be yours by the end of this year." he sends a sarcastic wink, points at him, and walks out of the door. of course, he smacked the top of the doorframe.


what does that mean?

"hey motoya. motoya, what does that mean?" he chases after him down the stairs.

ok yes. maybe sakusa did like her, just a little. maybe a lot. but still, they barely talked and sakusa had no idea where to start.

neither did y/n. but they were both willing to try.

short filler chapter ig
but enjoy and thanks for reading
also motoya is komori and sakusa is kiyoomi
feel free to leave any suggestions or whateves

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