Season 1 more like season -3

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Now don't get me wrong season one was great yk but I'm more of a season 3 girl myself, but I guess starting from the beginning is probably necessary. So, this part will be called Season 1 more like -3. I will have three chapters talking about everything that happened before 011 appeared and Will went missing, they will count down. -3, -2, -1, 0, 1. Something like that. Ik I'm smart. Okay, okay read on bc this is a good chapter, and an important one.






Nothing like moving day. You may be asking why everyone was just yelling in each other faces one second ago, and to that I say, nonsense my mom was screaming across the house. Now, my mom always favored Dustin over me. Probably because me and my dad got along really well and then once they broke up my mom would look at me and I reminded her of him. But she always got past that. Anyway, so basically, we're just on our way moving to Indiana. :) Best. Decision. Ever.

Ok let's fast forward to Dustin meeting Mike, Will, and Lucas. Obviously, it was just the three of them but that's still a decent amount, nice little trio, because trios are absolutely wonderful. We were young so Dustin and I were very social. He made friends with them, and I made friends with everyone else. In school I just talked to everyone and had a lot of cool friends. But there was always something about Dustin's friends that drew me to talk to them. Sure, I was now the most popular girl in school; and sure, I could hang out with the most popular people and probably date the most popular guy in school. But none of that changed anything. I still wanted to talk to Dustin's friend group. But more specifically one person in Dustin's friend group... OBVIOUSLY I'M NOT GOING TO TELL YOU WHO. C'mon it's way too early for me to just throw out that information. I need to drag it on and make it very interesting. DUH.

Anyway, Dustin wasn't fond of me hanging with him and his friends. I guess he felt like he was "in my shadow"? I mean if Dustin was the most popular guy in school and it was reversed, I probably would be upset. But the thing that would make me the most upset was if they referred to me as "Dustin's sister" or "Dustin's twin" like I have a name. I felt bad that everyone did that to my brother. But it's not like I told them to, so I feel like he's taking it out on the wrong person. 

OKAY. Only important stuff right. I keep wanting to get into detail. I had a few classes with my brother's friends and if we had to partner up, I'd partner with them. I mainly partnered with one of them though. Eventually the popular kids I hung out with for one day noticed and didn't seem too pleased.

"Hey Keira come work with us. We know it's only a two-person project, but we talked to the teacher, and she'll let the three of us work together."

"Yeah, come work with us"

I look over to my partner and realize that he gave me a smile and walked away. My heart dropped since I'd rather be partners with him. But I caved and went to the boys in front of me. "Maybe this was good" I thought " Maybe this way I can see how this person reacts if I spend time with other boys", "I must be crazy he won't care, he probably won't even notice"

Yeah, I know take it from me I felt the cringe radiating from those thoughts, but I was little and those were the thoughts I had.       I really want to keep everyone on the edge of their chair with who I was "particularly interested in" but I don't know how long I can keep this up. I might just be the worst narrator you ever hear from *insert smirking face* 

I hung out with Dustin and his friends every time I could it felt like we were part of the party. I only occasionally talked to my one-day-long friends. Just to have people to talk to in classes I didn't have friends in, or when someone was absent (which wasn't a lot).

 My favorite period was seventh because I had them with one of my brother's friends. The one that I liked the most. I was back in seventh period science when the teacher said that we could partner up. The two boys from Infront of me then called my name and asked if I wanted to be partners again. My brother's friend starts walking away because he figures I'd rather be partners with guys that are more popular than him. But boy was he wrong. I grabbed his wrist and he turned facing me confused. I locked eyes with his deep brown eyes. They reminded me of hot chocolate, but at the same time they were cold. They felt like everything I loved wrapped into one, but they also had a pinch of things I feared and hated. They looked soft like I could cuddle in them, but they also felt hard. Like a knife. 

I didn't even turn to give the boys a second look. I stood there grabbing his wrist staring in his eyes responding with "No I'm good, I already have a partner." I heard the two boys making unsatisfied snarky comments. But I couldn't care to listen because the look on the beautiful guy's face in front of me got a hundred times more beautiful after hearing me say that. His eyes widened and his face fell into a smile that absolutely melted my heart. I found my forever science partner.

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