The Vampire Slayer

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My vision turned red. All these years I've been locked up by the leeches. The bloodsuckers, the vampires. They made me, one of them. But I were also one of the others. I was born in a werewolf pack, but I were taken away, when I was five. It was under a vampire attack, that i was taken away from my parents. My parents were killed, in a try to save me. *Snap*. My bones were breaking, again. I was transformed when I was eight, two years ago. I'm a pure white wolf, but what I can't seem to understand is why it's happening again. The pain is agonizing. You're breath hitch in your throat, and you're bones is burning with pain. The vampires around me were confused, with the fact it's happening again. I would say they were just like me, but that will mean we're the same. And i'm nothing like them. I hate them, with all my might. The vampires around me, seems anxious. Almost like they're afraid of me.

The pain stopped. I was now on my all four, in wolfform. Out of my eye, I could see fire, one of the things the vampire's were afraid of. Because it could kill them. I shook my fur, I was already heated up. But when I shook, sparks were all over the floor. And I realized: IT. WAS. ME. I was the one with fire, I was the one with the upperhand. I had the power and control, over the vampires first time in my life. I was ready to use the upperhand. So I did. I attacked the vampire's one after one. And killed them all. I took my time with the group leader, Cole. He had tortured me since I were taken. Five years I've been in  this hell hole. Now it was over, I will help children with taking revenge over the vampire's. 

I stopped tearing a limp vampire body apart, to see the damage I've done. The whole house were filled with vampire bodies. Everyone was dead, killed by me. I used my tail, to set fire to the house, and destroy the vampires permantly. I then proceeded to walk away and into my future.

My name is Michelle and this is my story.

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