Chapter I

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Hi there, I'm John.

It has been 27 years after the untimely deaths of the two remaining killing game survivors, and 35 years after the ending of the killing game.

I'm sitting at the dining table with friends and family, celebrating the anniversary of our freedom and peace. Platters of different foods and snacks stretch over the area of leather covered planks. People are talking with each other, and I'm talking too, well, with my friends at least.

It's mainly just Jojo, Bailey, and I; Trey had to visit their family in Iceland, but they've wished us well for the holidays while they are away.

"It's a shame Trey couldn't join us," Jojo sighed, leaning his cheek on his hand, "I was looking forward to spending time with them." We were all looking forward to spending the holidays with them, they were probably the most creative of us all, being able to come up with activities in a second.

"Well it seems his family wanted something else to celebrate, after all, we graduated this year." Bailey stated. I just listened to them drawl on about the many reasons why Trey could be in Iceland, I wasn't really bothered about it, they hadn't seen their siblings or parents in the six years that they had lived here.

After that conversation finished, we just sit and eat some of the food left with us, we talk, though it's not about anything one can consider important, we have a few laughs, before the two have to go home.

"Bye John!" Jojo beamed

"See ya." I grinned back, waving at the two before walking back inside. Heading to the table, I help my mother clean up the many different platters, plates, bowls, jugs and cups on the table.

"Thank you, dearie." She croons, "get some good rest this night." I nod before carefully leading her outside. When everyone has left, I fall onto the couch. The day wasn't exhausting, I was just thinking about things too much, especially on the last few days of school, because of a certain history assignment.

It's not long until Trey texts me.

(Trey) Hello, is it okay with you if I call?

Yeah, it's fine (John)
Why aren't you calling Jojo?

(Trey) Last time I called him at this time, his parents scolded him. Knowing that he still lives with them, I'm not making the same error.

Ok then (John)

The phone starts to ring and I pick up. Trey is on the other side.

"Hello." They smile.

"Hey," I greet "How's Iceland?"

"It's nice, but I wish my siblings were much less annoying." Trey groans, trying not to pronounce any syllable wrong.

"I know how you feel, it gets better as they get older, though." I assure, before hearing their room's door open, Trey snaps firmly at whoever opened the door in Icelandic before sighing in defeat.

"They have the energy to just keep going and going until I don't have the energy to deal with them is the problem," They add, "Changing topic, how was the celebration where you are?"

"Great, however, it isn't the same with you here," I explain, "Although, it's Jojo who's mostly bothered by you leaving for the holidays."

"Oh really? That's heartwarming." Trey intones, "I forgot to tell you all it was for a week."

I laugh, Trey was usually forgetful, sometimes it was the usual object that they left somewhere, or something that they forgot to tell us, but the most common was Trey speaking to us in Icelandic, which would usually end up in all of us laughing in confusion.

"Oh, it's almost nine here." I gasp.

"Oh dear, sorry for keeping you awake!" Trey apologised, putting a few stray threads of their lavender hair behind their ear, "Sé þig seinna, goodbye!"

"Bye" I wave back before Trey ends the call. With that out of the way, I head to bed.

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