Chapter III

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POV: Third Person

"Do you recognise who did this?" A man in a beige jacket inquired, checking their watch.

"Some witch? I dunno." The other person uttered, "my abilities only go so far with sensing energy tracks."

"Goddamn it, Charlotte!"

"Oi! Keep your voice down, Jean!" Charlotte ordered, "it's only just past 1:00AM, you could wake someone up!"

Charlotte sighed, she'd need to find the other three, but all that's left of one is just agitated energy from a spell, she knew it was a witch, for energy to still be agitated by a spell seemingly cast days, probably even weeks before now is too strong for a psychic like herself to cast.

Charlotte stood up, red light finally fading. She turned to Jean-Claude

"It's been too long for me to effectively trace back its caster, even if it was cast by a witch."
She muttered to him, disappointed in the lack of a name she got.

"We might find some other bits of evidence, probably at the lake?" Jean-Claude suggested

"As in the one we passed on our way here?"

"Yeah!" Jean quietly exclaimed, "Granted, if this was the witch we are looking for, I doubt they'd be collecting the water for a spell, but it's technically already been 'blessed' by the moon, so it's possible!"

Charlotte has used moon water before, and has heard even the most strongest artists of magick still use moon water.

"You actually have a point there." Charlotte stated, turning around and grabbing his wrist with her right hand and slightly hitching up her dress with her left whilst heading to the lake. The blonde scout hurriedly followed her.

Reaching the lake, they find someone sitting on the other side of the large lagoon. They had dark-brown hair, and wore a white beanie, the rest Charlotte couldn't make out, since they were so far away. But even from the other side, there was agitated energy, it scared her, they must be powerful, and they were within their immediate reach.


"Yes, Charlotte?"

"That little hint you gave me may've just led us to the witch." She gulped, "We're in their reach, and if we startle them, we are dead."

Jean's eyes stared at her, absolutely baffled.

The 'someone' in question raised their head, and waved at them.

"Well they seem nice." Jean shrugged, "We should talk to them."

"But- fine."

They walked over, it took a while, but they made it.

"You guys seem to be looking for someone," The person surmised, "is everything ok?"

"Yes, we are quite fine." Charlotte huffed, "Who are you?"

"Mikah." They said, "You?"

"My name is Charlotte, and this is my friend Jean-Claude." She clarified, "Is there any pronouns we should keep in mind that you'd prefer us to use?"

"Depends on how I feel a specific day, usually its they/them," Mikah starts, "but sometimes it'll be a he/him, or she/her, or a mixture of two of the choices."

"Ah, I see."

Mikah got up from his seat by the water.

"Why are you here?"

Charlotte explained that she had sensed a lot of agitated energy around the lake, and that they were looking for a person of their group, who was able to do things that left an area similar to this filled with agitated energy.

"Oh, that?" Mikah monotoned, that seemed to bring back something they hated, "got mad at a 'friend' and drenched them in water. How were you able to sense the energy, Charlotte? Are you... another witch?"

"I'm a psychic, nowhere near being as powerful as a witch." She stated. Mikah nodded, and adjusted his glasses.

"So, do I just join you guys?" Mikah wonders, "It seems that it's the desired outcome."

Charlotte nods, and the three are on their way.

Sometime long ago...

It was the age of freedom, I recall,

When all that existed was nightfall,

My caretakers, my creators,

Hid a romance that considered them traitors.

They were found, and to earth they fell,

One shedded their divine blessings, the other cast their spell,

And both fell into the 'wishing well'.

How wrathful were those gods,

To put themselves and my parents at odds,

Just when did that river ebb and flow,

Into this uncomfortable position of fate we all know,

Even from Earth I still wish to learn,

Would heaven still be a paradise if I return.

It is to you, I send this message,

As a nephalem, witch, and one without passage.

To what degree do you intend to watch us suffer?

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