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I was happy I had stopped to give this person a shoulder rather then continue my journey up to my room.  Kelley's hazel eyes stared back at mine. The green/gold flecks littering the bloodshot eyes.

"What's wrong?"  Wrong move. The tears started to flow again. "It's okay if you don't want to talk."

"Just. . . Hold me." It came out broken and skewed but she had said it. So that's what I did. I slid my back against the wall and sprawled my legs infront of me. I pick her up and set her inbetween my legs her back to my front. My arms wrap around her waist with a little bit of pressure.

"Can you tell me how to help you?" She shifts her body, trying to find a more comfortable position.

"I don't know. I thought I was fine." Disgust dripping from her words.

"That's fine. I just want to help you."

"Alright.I'm good. Don't be late for practice?" Her walls had come up in full force.

"I have a free day. So I'm chilling."

"Can I hangout with you. I don't want to go back to Becky after this morning."

"Yeah Diana is hanging out with sue for the day so yeah." She nods wordlessly, standing up from her spot on the floor. I follow suit and continue my journey up the stairs.

"Why did you take the stairs?"

"The elevators were going to be packed and I didn't want to be smushed."

Once I hit my floor I show her to my room.  "So what do you want to watch?"

"I don't care."

"Okay." Pulling open my laptop I open Netflix and settle for a stand up comedy that I hadn't had time to finish. Taylor Tomlinson Quarter life crisis. I press play and set it on my knees so we would both have a good view of the screen. "Kel can you grab me a beer?"

The bed raises as she stalks across the room pulling two cans from the mini fridge before returning.

"How was your hangover?"

"Bad. so I'm just going to keep drinking. Because you can never have a hangover if you continue to drink."

"Fair enough."

About 30 minutes in Kelley pauses the "movie". "I should probably tell you what happened."

"You don't have too."

"I know but I feel like you should know." I just nod shifting my body so my full attention is on the soccer player. "Daniele my ex texted me this morning. And normally it wouldn't phase me because whenever she gets drunk she texts me. But this time she said that she was here and was coming to my game. She had made a mistake going back to her previous ex and wanted me back."

"Do you still have feelings for her?"

"No I hate her. But a part of me will always love her. She was really manipulative. And I'm just now seeing that. I dated her for 3 years so I will always love her but I can honestly say I don't have feelings for her."

"Kelley I sorta have something to tell you."

"What?" Her walls were back in a blink of the eye.

"A few nights ago after the Senegal game I slept with Aly Raisman. But Diana was worried that I was off my game so she told me to go get laid. And I did and now I feel guilt. And I don't know why I feel guilty or why I'm telling you but I feel like you should know." Her smile falters at the mention of the gymnast.

"That's fine it's not like we are dating." The venom in her voice and the death glare told me differently.

"Well I told you that I was committed if you wanted me to be and then a day later I slept with someone else. I promise it won't happen again."

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