C H A P T E R 4

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"Hi, I'm Christian" Annie's boyfriend introduced himself as he asked for a handshake from Risa. The latter accepted while still eyeing the guy in front of her. The last thing she ever want is for her friend to suffer in silence again.

"Nice to meet you, Christian. I'm Risa, Annie's friend. I do apologize for how I've acted the other day"

Risa asked Annie to introduce her new boyfriend to her so that she could also apologize properly. Annie was so glad to even hear it from her, from all the friend that Annie has, it's only Risa who bothered to even know her boyfriend. She still remembers how Risa told her that though what she did was wrong, she still understand why she did that.

"That's okay, no harm done." The guy said showing his gummy smile that Annie always love.

"So, how you guys met?" Risa asked shifting her eyes from Christian to Annie

"We met at the downtown coffee shop. I was a barista there and then I saw her cry. I know I should just have mind my business, but for some reason, I can't bare to see her cry." Christian started which then followed by Annie

"And so he approached me. At that time I was so embarrassed because of how awkward it is. But he sit there with me, offering his handkerchief. He just stayed and let me cry until there's no tears left anymore. It was a comfortable silence and I thank him for that"

"And then we started to become friends. She told me the reason why she was crying that day and from then on I hated her ex. I mean who the hell would just leave while her girlfriend is bawling her eyes out" Christian continued the story. It was obvious in his voice how angry he was for how Annie's ex had treated her.

"Then feelings got involve and now we're here" Annie said, finishing the story.

Risa could see how happy her friend is. Well, sure they could only see each other twice or thrice a year because of how busy college life is, but in those days they've seen each other, Risa never saw how her friend's eyes lit up every time she talks about the guy she loves. Risa had already saw a bunch of Annie's ex boyfriends, but this is the first time she ever saw how happy she was just by being with the person she love. They weren't even in some famous place, they were just hanging out in the food court of a mall, but Annie's smile looks like she have won the jackpot.

And then it hit Risa that this guy will no doubt make her friend happy. But she knew in herself that this guy could also hurt her friend just as much he makes Annie happy.

"Just to tell you, I know taekwondo and boxing so just in case you hurt my friend physically or emotionally, you know what will happen"

Risa's statement made Christian unconsciously gulp his saliva.

"Risa! You're scaring him!" Annie whined at her friend's tactic

"What? You've suffered so much because of your shithole ex and I didn't even knew a thing about it. If you didn't stop me, I'm sure I could have sent him to hospital without too much sweat"

Annie knew her friend very much, they've been friends ever since they started school and that's why she knew very well how serious her friend is right now. Annie knew how Risa deals with bastard people and that's why she stop her from going at Dariel's house. Because even if Risa is a girl, she surely know how to fight. There's no even a single doubt about that.

"I can't promise that I will never hurt her, but what I can promise is that I will never do it on purpose nor laid my hands on her, not even when I'm angry. The last thing I want is for her to have a repeat of her past" Christian said, looking straightly at Risa's eye. He knew where Risa's coming from, he saw what Dariel did to Annie, how the guy manipulated her and drag her down like she's some kind of worthless civilian.

"Well, I don't expect that you'll have a joyful relationship, for love isn't all about happiness. Of course, I understand if you hurt her maybe with your words, that can't be help when you two are in an argument, but I hope you would be calm and careful enough not to break her."

"I won't. I promise" Christian said with utmost sincerity and determination.

"I don't believe in promises, so you better just show it"

"Don't worry, I will"

After the serious talk between Christian and Risa, the three decided to have fun in the arcade. Risa was grateful that the two didn't let her feel like she's a third wheel, but from time to time Risa purposely stay far from them so that the two could have some alone time. Because she knew very well that the two couldn't always see each other because of college life.

"Risa? Risa, is that you?" the sound of her name being called made Risa look at the owner of the voice. Behind her is a guy holding a cola and popcorn like he's about to go to the movies. His voice was familiar and she knew for sure she have seen him somewhere before.

"Oh my gosh! It really is you!" The guy said, happiness is evident in his voice. And that's when Risa recognize who the guy standing in front of her.

"Oh my gosh! Brian! It's youu!!" Risa said and hug him which the latter reciprocated. Like children who haven't see each other for a long time, they hop while turning around not letting go of each other's hug.

Brian is Risa's friend during their freshmen years and it's all because of Fion. Back then, it's always been the four of them; Fion, Brian, Annie and her. Well, not until feelings got involve and Fion drifted apart from them.

"How are you? You turn into such fine young lady!"

"Oh please! Stop with the compliments! You, how are you? I thought you we're still in Ohio, what are you doing here?" Risa asked her friend, so thrilled to see him in an arcade

"Risa! Finally found you! Why you leave without saying a thing?" Annie complained without minding the person in front of her.

"Annie?" Brian called her and to tell that her reaction is so funny is an understatement. The girl literally look like her eyes will pop out of its socket.

"Brian!! You're here! I miss you so much!" Annie said, hugging her friend whom she didn't see for such a long time.

"Oh I miss you too squirrel! And Risa, to answer your question earlier I am here to take over my father's business. Just until he feels better"

"You mean the Leviosa Café right?" Risa asked which earned a nod from Brian

"Wow! It's been so long since we've been there" Annie said, reminiscing the days when the four of them hang out there.

"Yes, such a long time it is" Risa said, looking back at the memories that the four of them have shared in that café.

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