C H A P T E R 2 1

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The discussion has taken a toll for Avery. It's so boring and with her added hang over, it's hard to listen to the professor in front. She love the course of course, but some teachers are not just fit for her. 'Why can't I chose my own teacher?' is what she always asked to herself and even to everyone, but it's not like she'll ever get an answer. It's the system, she knew very well than to challenge the system. After all, what she wants is to graduate and pursue her career. She's thankful Maeve is on her class though, which reminds her to asked the girl how the visit with Greg turned out. But the question didn't come out though. 

"Why are you frowning? Did your visit at Greg's turn into disaster?" she asked instead. Maeve didn't want to answer it, she hated to talk about her boyfriend at all, but she also need to talk about another concern of her so she decided to forget about their professor who's discussing in front and turn to Avery for a little chit chat.

"It's worst than a disaster, but forget about the bastard. I'm frowning for another reason"

"Is it about the discussion then?"

Oh, how Maeve would love if her concern is all just about the discussion, but no. She can't even focus because of her thoughts. 

"It's Risa" the brunette let out a big sigh, earning a smirk from Avery. 'This could be interesting' as what the girl thought. 

"Why? Was there something wrong with the hottie?" 

"There's nothing wrong, it's just that" Maeve didn't continue what she's saying as she remember what happened yesterday evening. It's been bothering her since last night and she can't even focus at everything. She didn't even have time to think about the bastard who cheated on her.

"It's just what?" the curious Avery was now leaning closely towards her friend, interested to know what happened to the hottie. 

"Her heart's not beating that loud" Maeve said with a big sigh while throwing both hands in the air. Avery almost fall from her chair, because what the hell is Maeve talking about?

"I'm sorry, I didn't follow. Can you repeat that?"

"I said her heart's not beating loud. Every time I rest my head on her chest I always hear it beating so loud because of me and yesterday, after I found out that Greg was cheating on me, I went to her house. We had a sleepover and when I laid my head on her chest, it's not the same!" Maeve complained like a child who didn't get what she wants while on the other hand Avery was still processing the news of Greg cheating on her, but the brunette didn't look likes she's bothered about it that much and she can't help but to mentally face palm herself seeing how stupid her friend is.

"You think she's having heart failure?" Avery asked as to confirm her suspicions between the two girls. 

"She doesn't have cancer, Ave! Her hearts always beats so loud because she loves me romantically and yesterday, it's just not... it's not the same" 

Avery thinks that maybe it's time to lend a helping hand. It's just an advice, there's nothing wrong on giving an advice, right? Plus, she doesn't want Maeve to be like her past self. Her friend would only face heartbreak and before she knows it, it would all be too late. 

"Why are you so concern about it?" Avery start, hoping the girl would take a minute to realize what she's feeling, but when she heard the silent 'I don't know' from Maeve she just can't help but let out a big sigh and think how hopeless her friend is. 

"You wanna know why you're so concern about it?"

"Because she's my best friend?" Maeve asked that almost made Avery slap her friend if it weren't for their professor who suddenly look at their side.

"You're joking, right? Evey, I hope you'll take a pause and learn more about yourself, about your feelings" Avery said, earning a frown from the latter, she didn't quiet understand why she had to do that. Like, for what?

"Where are you going with this?"

"Okay, fine! I'm gonna tell you about what I think. And what I think is that you're in love with Risa. You're in love with your best friend" 

"I am not in love with my best friend and I am not gay!" Maeve whisper yelled, gritting her teeth at her friend's absurd idea.

"And how sure you are? How sure you are that you're not gay? Look, Evey, I'm not putting a label on you, okay? You can label yourself, straight, gay, bisexual, lesbian or even an alien and I don't care! What we're talking about here is your feelings. You need to take a pause and ask yourself who you are and who you really want. Go have a conversation with your inner self and with all of your inner organs and maybe then you'll discover a new side of yourself. If you don't do this, I'm afraid it might be too late for you" 

"What do you mean it's too late?"

"You mentioned the hottie's heart beat is not the same as before when you rest your head on her chest. That could mean that the girl's already in the moving on pace. If you keep denying your feelings then you might lose her forever. Evey, I'm not saying this so you could be like me who likes girls, I'm saying this because I saw how you act around her. You didn't even care about your boyfriend who cheated and your only concern is how you can't hear the same loud heart beat from your best friend. I just don't want you to be like my past self, okay? I've lost someone precious just because I keep denying who I am and I don't want that to happen to you. I don't want you to lose someone who's important to you just because you don't know who you really are" Avery explained, but it only made the brunette frown more. She didn't like everything Avery told her. 

"Did it ever occur to you that maybe I'm not focusing on how my boyfriend cheated on me just because I don't want to remember how I saw him fucking another girl around?" Maeve said with gritted teeth and venom in her tone before she walk out of the class. The discussion haven't even ended yet but Maeve just need to get out of there. She's not in love with her best friend, no way in hell she is. She's not gay! Maeve is not gay!

"Babe, please let me explain what happened, okay?" To Maeve's surprise, Greg was already waiting for her outside her classroom. She still didn't want to accept the idea that she's in love with her best friend so when she looked back in her classroom and saw Avery looking at her with concern, she can't help but do the thing she didn't know would bring the greatest regret in her life.

'I'm not gay and I'm gonna prove it to you, Ave' is what she thought before she grab Greg's neck and pulled him for a kiss. The two kissed passionately with their tongues dancing with each other. This made Avery frown and for the first time, she felt disappointed in her friend. On the other hand, while Maeve is kissing her boyfriend, she can't help but to feel like something's wrong. That she's doing something she'll regret in her entire life. 

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