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 you know that feeling before you puke? The one when you're like, 'Oh shit, It's totally coming up my throat and I'm too in shock to do anything about it, but then at the last second your senses kick in and the next thing you know is that you're puking when you were dreaming about handsome men, fluffy cats, and yummy pastries literally 3 seconds ago?

That's how I woke up this morning.

Definitely not a good morning, morning.

Walking downstairs in the worst mood with an upset stomach, throbbing head, and feet that hurt from dancing in high heels for too long, it was definitely not a good morning, morning.

"Good morning, Ivy." I hear Jack call when I enter the kitchen.

"Shut the fuck up,"

"I'm your boss."

"Suck my dick."

"Ivy, what's wrong?"

"It's not a good morning, morning."

"I'm sorry?"

"You should be, fucker." I say. I walk over to his side and see he's making a bunch of pancakes on the stove.

"Ah, I love you, my king. I would do anything for you, my love!" I say hugging him. "Gimme," I say.

"They will be ready in 5 minutes." He says flipping a couple.

"Where's the woman who cooks? Y'know that one chick, Susan?"

"I let her have the weekend off."

"Ah, and what a kind soul you are," I say. I seat myself on the island and patiently wait for the pancakes/checking his amazing ass out.

"Stop looking at my ass," Jack says.

"Sorry," I say.

"It's okay." He says. I look at his ass again.



"Stop looking at my ass."

"Okay sorry, sir."


"Sorry!" I say and bring my knee up from under the chair and rest my cheek on it. "Do you have any pain killer?" I say, asking him.


"Cramps," I say.

"Uh, check-in the cabinet up top to my left." He says and I do. I find some ibuprofen and swallow 3 with a cup of water. I've never been able to choke down pills dry. I go upstairs and receive Albert and set him in the microwave. While he's heating up, I go to the refrigerator and find strawberries. I get a cutting board and start cutting them up. I go look for my phone and start playing music while we work together in silence. I start singing along to the sing softly and finish up the strawberries up. I hear him turn the stove off and I have a bowl full of strawberries which I'm already snaking on. I go look for plates, knives, and forks for us to eat with. I find orange juice in the refrigerator and pour some into each glass. I'm humming along to the song and when it finishes, I have the whole table set back. I step back to admire my work but I run in front of him.

"Why, hello there." He says behind me. He plants both his hands on my hips. He uses his hands to spin me around so that we're face to face. "You look extra beautiful today." He says. "So I don't look extra beautiful every day?" I say pouting.

He kisses my pouting lips.

"Good morning to you too," I say to him smiling. I kiss him back and he deepens the kiss by tilting me down so that he has a better angle.

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