1~everyday life

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Sasaki hav gradute and move to collage leaving his boyfriend behind, luckily his collage is not that far and miyano always pay a visit secretly. Its saturday and miyano hav finish school, he is in the third uear if hughschool while his boyfriend is in collages, even if its a long term relationship they love each other dearly without regreting a single word they say to each other on theyre highscool days, miyano walk in to his house and get change.

He walk out of his room after getting change and grab the car key, he hav recently got his driver lience and so does sasaki. He do the driver liences test after he knew that hrs boyfriend collage is not that far and only took about 10 ir 5 minutes car driving time, miysno start the car and heat it up abit after he start to move to his boyfriend collages.

He arrive at the collages waiting infront if the gates. He felt someone knocking then he saw it was his boyfriend sasaki, he smile but then unlick the door letting his boyfriend in on the front driver seat "hello mya~chan~" sasaki day as he kissed miyano on the cheeks, he still not used to this affection and it leave a pink dust on his cheeks as sasaki chuckle "h-hello to sasaki~senpai" miyano answer hrad tiltrd to the front s little "mya~chan u should stop cslling me senpai as im not ur senpai anymore~" sasaki whined miyano just smile and asked "so? What should i call u then?" Miyano said as he looked to his 1 year boyfriend "hm~ how about sasaki~san?" He said smilling "ok then sasaki~san!" Miyano smile and chuckle

"Did u tell ur teacher ur going somewhere?" Miyano asked as he startes moving the car "yeah i told thek a famiky member is sick so i gtg" sasaki answer looking st his boyfriend with a gaze showing love and affection, miyano just chuckle "the same excuses?" Miyano continued "yeah, he didnt suspect anything but my frens did." Sasaki say then lean his head to miyano shoulder "oh? Did kuyuna~san did?" Miyano asked remembering his boyfriend classmate, ah yeah yoi kuyuna, he hav round frame glasses and looked like a nerd. Thats what sasaki describe him but he is a total sport freak he is sucked at math and very very rude but surprisingly a caring and a nice fren "nah, hirano did" sasaki answer with a quick sigh

Taiga hirano, he is sasaki classmate in highscool and get into the same collage as sasaki, "he said that if i want to meet you i could just said so, but i just answer him that i want to be the unexpected" sasaki say plsyong with his boyfriends fluffy hair "that tickle!" Miyano pointe out, they arrive at the surprisingly good and cheap cafe that sasaki loved and so does miyano.

They both already seated and order. "So sasaki~san do you read the bl that i send u?" Yes. Bl BOYLOVE thats how they got in the relationship in the first place, miyano love LOVE bl and sasaki started to get into it for miyano in highschool, they still talk about bl To this day and never get bored "ah yes, i saw the part when they making out in public. Kinda embarresing" sasaki pointed out and miyano chuckle "yeah, i just skil that part. Its giving me second hand emabressment" the waiter came with theyre order and they talk eat and talk,

Its already night and sasaki hav to got back to his collages and miyano hav to go home, they arrive at the collages and givving a hug as sasaki insisted and a passionable kiss as sasaki left the car. Miyano just smiled and then hav a blush panic, he does this everyday after having a date,miyano is not used to this and in highschool he always do this alot when sasaki suddenly complement him or just being flirty, a 'ping' sound can be heard and miyano checked still hav a flushed face it was his boyfriend


Ty foe the wonderfull date miya~chan♡♡♡


Its nothing rlly sasaki~san!


Oh yeah i forgot to tell you, the school allowed lovers/family/friends now in the campus, i was gonna tell u but got distracted by ur cute face

Miyano already flushed face turn more red, redder then the usual, yes sasaki always tell him how cute his face and he always blush even if it just a dust at the complement, yet he is hsppy the campus finally allow lovers in


Thats great! Sasaki~san, can i visit tommorow? If its ok of course :)


I was about to ask u that, ans sure u can! I want to introduce u to my classmate anyway! They are having lovers competion after that being announce, but if course i want u to visit not to brag ur cute face but to show u around the campus and meeting my friends!

Miyano smiled how sasaki putted out the words, he values,cherish, and love miyano, he love miyano not just bc hes face but everything about him, his hair hes eyes hes personality, but what make sasaki fallen inlove with miyano is hes smile and that, what sasaki want to cherish. Everything about miyano is what sasaki wantes to cherish


Yay! What time should i come?


I think 3 pm is good, the science teacher is having a break so we can skip science


Ok! I will see u later!


Miyano smiled and drives bsckgome with a good mood, he can finally meet his boyfriend frens and that made miyano smiled to his sleep


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