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Sorry i didnt update!
it was the next day miyano is exited 'finally i can meet hirano~senpai and hes classmate!' Miyano think as he pack some snack,bl books,water,phone,charger and power bank into his black white stripe backpack. When miyano is done packing he hears a honk. "Im going now bai mom!" Miyano say kissing hes mom cheeks and finnally went outside. Outside it was hes boyfriend sasaki with hes car. It was a white car and small but comfortable, miyano walk in to the car pu in seatbelts before greeting him "good morning sasaki~sen- i mean sasaki~san!" Miyano say nervously, only reciving chuckle rrom the taller male "good morning to mya~chan!".

Sasaki start his car and look at miyano "did u get everything u needed?" Sasaki ask, "yeah!" Sasai smiles and they started to drove to his colleges "s-so is theyre any friends of urs whom read bl manga like us?" Miyano ask nerbously fiddeling his finggers "mhm! Her name is yozunmi She was an upperclasswoman and her dorm buikding is nesr us, only 5 minutes away" sasaki answer stopping and a red light "how about u mya~chan? Do you make any friends?" Sasaki as while looking at his boyfriend

"W-well our school collages finnally open and theyreso many collages already theyre," miyano answer nervously, its not bad or anything its just that miyano is so in love with sasaki he cannot get the fact that sasaki also ask him about his life doing showing he cared, that mademiyano smile in the middle of his sentance and pause 'this is just like a bl comic!!' Miyano internally yelling

The car started to move indicating the green light lights up and cutted miyano daydream and it end with a "and then?" From his boyfriend, "one collages name yuumiwo i think found a bl book a-a-and..." sasaki already know where uts going laugh "HAHA! MYA~CHAN DONT TELL ME U RAN AWAY!" sasai continue to laugh but still keep a stable drving position, miyano only blush and nodded "y-yeah and he came back to my house  in the middle of the night... after our date.." miyano continue

Sasaki patted his hear that made miyano flinch and smile "i...." 'no miyano its to cheesy!!' Miyanp scream again but he cant stop his mouth "i...love you..." miyano put his hand to his face to hide his blushing made expression. Sasaki hesring this chuckle and finally parked in the campus "i love you to mya~chan!" Sasaki kiss miyano cheeks and again, miyano blush redder 'THIS IS RLLU LIKE BL COMIC!! IM A BOTTON!' Miyano think and heshook his hesd and hes face turn into dertement 'no! Im acting like a bottom! TOP SHORTIES GONNA ARISE Haha!' Miyano laugh internerly.

Without miyano noticing sasaki already carried him bride stlye out of the car, when miyano nothing this he blush and jump out "w-why did u do that!!" Miyano complain and sasaki just smile and giggles "u seem lost in thought mya~chan!" Sasaki answer. I hmp but my gaze soft as i saw hirano~senpai and i think kuyuna~san with other ppl behind "oi sasaki! U came back!" Hirano~senpai say and stop when he say me "ah miyano ur here too?" Hirano senpai say "a-ah! Hirano~senpai! Its nice to meet u again!" Miyano say and bow stood up straight again

"Anyway is this the reason u gave lame excuses? Just to meet with miyano?" Hirano say but then suddenly "SASAKI IS THAT UR BOYFRIEND?!?" miyano flinces and so does sasaki, "a-ah ur kuyuna~san right?" Miyano say trying to avoid the question "ah yes! and who r u? Kuyuna ask handing a handshake, miyano awkwardky handshake back and look at sasaki internally asking if he could tell them, and sasaki just nod making miyano smike and look at the tall figure infront of him "im miyano! Im sasaki~san boyfriend!" The whole ppl shock expect sasaki miyano hirano and kuyuna "I KNEW IT!!" kuyuna yell holding both of his handin victory "is it that obvious?" Sasaki ask rubbing back of his neck and miyano just giggle "well atleast u use ur eye and brain for something expect from sports!" Sasaki continue making kuyuna mad and started to pick a fight, miyano being a good boyfriend stop them

"Well that was surprising..." say a lady with brown hair tied in a buns "ah yozunmi~senpai!" Sasaki says and miyano glaze at the woman "t-thats yozunmi~san?!?" Miyano say and yozunmi nod with a quick smilen"s-she look just like that gl comic character i saw..." miyano relized what he say and turn red from embarresmet and bow multiple time "IM SORRY SENPAI!!" yozunmi laugh and so does sasaki "sasaki just pick a cutie!" Yozunmi kightky punch sasaki shoulder "yeah i know!" Miyano stop bowing and pulls sasaki hand as he hid behind his shoulder

"Ah! Heh.." sasaki yeelp abit and finally patted miyano "ok thats enough lovebirds now introduce eachother!" Hirano say

I hope this will make it up to you!
This longer than i expected but i will make a part 2 of this ep!
Bai loveys♡

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