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They all hav a great time, i mean who whouldnt hav a great time when a love hav been born? The two newly love birds showing affection shyly and the other just accept it smiling, u guest it. Kokusho and ushihaka now showing affection almost pda but noonr care to mind. Everyone sleep at hirano room as tommorw school got cancel and so does miyano school,

A sakura tree can be seen, under it seem to hav kokusha and ushihaka. They are smiling as they ate theyre lunches toghter, kokusho is playing a nintendo as ushihaka feed him  his bento also eating his bento to, they two  chatting and ushihaka sometimes crack jokes making kokusha laugh or blush. Kokusho finally putting down his nintendo and eating his own bento while continuing chatting with his lover "so ur saying that out next period is cancel?" Kokusho ask as he pick up a egg roll with his chopstick "mhm, so that mean after we ate lunch we could just go on a date"  ushihaka say as he ate a piece of rice and munching it "oh okay" kokusho say putting the egg roll in his mouth then munching the egg roll beetween his word

They are done eating, ushihaka put his empty bento to his back and also kokusho. Kokusho turn his head ready to talk and mouth open to spit some word but get cought by a sertant pink hair boy, kissing him. Kokusho with the sudden action blush but he feel something, it was a tounge. Ushihaka hav putted his tounge in. Kokusho stumble back and ushihaka pinned him to the ground continuing kissing him, kokusho didnt even fight back he just let ushihaka to explored around his mouth. Kokusho can feel the tounge around his mouth, teeth snd tounge kokusho feel the tounge to his troath making him moan slightly, then-

"mya~chan! Wake upppp!" Sasaki shake his boyfriend awake, miyano was in the middle of a very very very bl manga book dream but he woken him up, miyanosit upright and look around. He was in hirano dorm on the bed blanket slide beside him is sasaki his lovely boyfriend, miyano relizing his position and also dream blush deep red and he put his hand to his face and scream "AAAA SORRY SENPAIII!!" this shock sasaki and the others who already awake waiting miyano to wake up "m-mya~chan calm down!" Sasaki say patting miyano shoulder as he continue to mumble something when hes head is tilted down red face still

Sasaki remembering a sertant story, when miyano accidently pinnrd sasaki down on highschool miyano accidently or just not accident daydream about pinning sasaki down in the bed and then when he relizes what he is daydreaming about then scream saying 'SORRY SENPAI!' Sasaki notice the same behavior as miyano told him chuckle and sau out loud "mya~chan what are you dreaming?" Sasaki say chuckling making everyone confused "oooo~ miyano did u dream something dIrTy~~" kuyuna say as he slid near sasaki and wiggle his eyesbrows not wearing his glasses "iM sOrRy SeNpAi!!" Miyano say beetween whine of embarresment

Yozunma laugh "HAHA! WHAT ARE YOU DREAMING MIYANO~CHAN?" youzunma say laughing at the end relizing ehat kuyuna meant and saw how miyano not deniying it "the fact that he is not denying the statement is funny" hirano continue as he chuckle, playing boardgame with iyozuma okushima and kuyuna whom ran beside sasaki but still continue playing back and fort to talk to sasaki and tease miyano "what even are you dreaming miyano~chan?" Okushima say as he rolled the dice whinning on 3rd place "i won" okushima say calmly "ahh~ i guess the game ended!" Hirano say as he lean back to the wall

The door open revealing ushihaka and kokusho with bags on theyre hand "oh ur back and also miyano just hav weord dreams" hirano say and chuvkle at the last statement "yeah, the store dont hav much to over so we just buy onigiris and snacks" kokusho just nodded at ushihaka statement after they both puttes the groceries on the table waiting to be pick and eaten "anyway what did miya~chan dream?" Kokusho asked curously as they both sat when iyozuma is putting back thr board and sat in the circle

"Well mya~chan cmon tell them what u dream!" Sasaki say to miyano eho calmed down but still hav a dust of pink on her cheeks "w-well.... i dream about kokusho~senpai and ushihaka~senpai making out.... under the sakura tree......" miyano say, every sentance he say making him regret saying that and making him blush slowly tilting hes head down in ashament 'WAAHHHH! IM SO EMBARRESSS!!' miyano say 'but it eould mske a good bl manga tho!!" Miyano sulked thinking at the dream and probally theyre faces but instead, they all laugh expect kokusho and ushihaka who is blushing "BAHHAHAHA!" yozunmi laugh louder and also hes twin laugh with her hirano laugh to, surprisingly with okushima and sasaki "MYA~CHAN! U RLLY ARE SO CUTE!" Sasaki say while chuckling at the end,

But at the end they got complain by the teacher bc yozunmi was not on her dorm  witch is a diffrent building and a noise complain from a girl next door who sertantly hav a crush on someone in one of the person in the dorm




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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2022 ⏰

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