chapter one

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Rosie Pov

Everything started to fall apart the day my dad left, and the day my mom went missing.

It's like it all happened yesterday. It is a memory that I will never forget. By that time Crystal my twin sister, and I were eight. Crystal, and I were playing in our room. All of a sudden a huge argument broke out in the living room and I could hear yelling.

"It's what's best for them Curt they will understand when they are older," mom said. Her voice cracked, like glass that has been shattered into a million of pieces.'

"Rosily, don't leave. I need you and our children need you," he said, his voice was even weaker than hers."Curt, don't you think I already know that? I don't want to leave, but it's not about what I want, it's about the safety of Crystal and Rosie." Tears started to run down her face like bleak, dreary rain. When Crystal and I heard our names, we ran into the living room to see our mom on her way out the door.

"Mom!" I yelled , heartbroken. "Why are you leaving?" I sobbed in surprise. My mom and my dad hardly ever argued, and when they did, they always sat down to work out their problems. This time, something was wrong, because-she had suitcases in her hands. Arguing, yelling, and Then suitcases in your hand were really a bad sign I thought to myself.

"Rosie and Crystal, get back to your room" my dad said, angrily.

"Curt, it's alright, there's something that I need to give and say to them before I go," she said calmly, but I could see the hurt as I looked into her watery blue eyes. I started to cry as she said ''Rosie, know I love you, right?," she started, looking directly into both of our eyes.

"Yes, we already know that. Why are talking like that, mom? You're scaring me," Crystal said, crying hysterically. Mom turned away, trying not to cry, and started to dig through one of her bags. She pulled out two necklace's, one red and one blue, and each had an 'E' carved into the sparkling gemstones in the middle. They were the most beautiful necklaces I had ever seen, although they were similar to the ones my mom wore. My dad took the blue one out of my mom's hands and helped Crystal as my mom helped put the red one on for me. She looked at my father, then to the both of us, looking directly into our eyes to make sure we understood.

"Rosie, Crystal... I want you two to promise me to always stick together no matter what, okay? And to never, ever take these necklaces off. I love you two so very much, don't you forget that, okay? And I'm only leaving to protect you two." She kissed our foreheads, gave us the tightest hug, did the same to our dad, then walked out the door, never turning back to see our faces again. The things she'd said had left my heart broken. I didn't want her to leave, but before I could find words to say, she was already gone.

More tears started to run down my face remembering the way she had looked as she'd left. The look on her face told me that she was never coming back. I turned to Crystal and saw that she was not crying anymore. How could she not cry? How could she not be sad at the fact that our mother was gone, and never coming back? Crystal just stood there, not even a tear in her eyes. I guess she was shocked to the point that she couldn't bring herself to mourn. I closed the distance between us and gave her hug. As soon as her skin touched mine, I felt the worst burning sensation, like an open flame held to my flesh. I moved away from her faster than an animal after it's prey, and ran into the comfort of my dad's arms. He looked at me -with concern, my own fear reflected in his eyes.

"Yes, honey?"

I opened my mouth, my words stumbling over each other to get out, "I was thinking to myself how Crystal could just stand there, how she wasn't upset about how mom just left like that... I thought she needed a hug, so I gave her one and... her skin! It felt like it was on fire! Her skin was on fire!"

My dad looked at Crystal's un-moving body and blank expression and he seemed worried. Why did he look so worried? It was starting to scare me. Yeah, I know I said that her skin was on fire, but I had to have been mistaken, right?. Crystal's skin couldn't actually be on fire. There were no flames, no smoke, so why was she so warm? And why was dad so worried?

"Crystal, are you okay?" He Said, rushing over to her faster than I'd ever seen him move before, his voice rising hysterically. "Crystal, are you okay?!"

No words escaped her mouth, making my dad and I tear up. He probably had the same instinct to hug her close to comfort her, so he reached out and pulled her close. They stood there, holding each other tightly. I wondered if he could feel the burning that I had felt touching her skin. He didn't jump away in shock or pain, so I figured I must have been hallucinating after all. I pushed the ridiculous idea of Crystal's skin in flames out of my head and headed for a group hug.

A few weeks past and we didn't hear from mom even once. Dad became worried, but somehow I knew that she was somewhere safe-that she was protected. Another week passed, and the month was almost over with when my dad filed a missing person's report. I guess the feeling I had of my mother's safety was wrong, because in that same month my mom was declared dead. The cops tried to whisper, and tell my dad what happened, but I heard everything.

I heard the words they spoke: mom was murdered. Before I could even process what they had said, I began to sob like a child. Everyone's attention was focused on me.

"What's wrong, Rosie?" they said, in unison.

"She's dead... How could she be dead?!" I cried. I sounded like a broken record trying to talk between sobs. "Dad, tell me she's not really dead!" I could see the sadness in his face and I already knew the answer.

He looked directly into my eyes and said:

"I can't tell you that, sweetheart."

I started to cry all over again and it hurt-ed even more than before. I wanted to be in the comfort of my dad arms, but when I touched him, I felt the same burning sensation that Crystal had. I went in my room and tried to calm down. I fell asleep while drowning in my tears. While I was asleep I had the strangest dream ever-it felt so real. In the dream, seven years had passed and I was 14 years old. I was standing next to the most beautiful waterfall ever. The sun radiated upon my skin, giving me the illusion of feeling like a tanning supermodel before a photo-shoot. When the sun hit the lake, it looked like sparkling crystals kissing the surface of the water. All of a sudden, a hand wrapped around my waist and pulled me close. I was reminded once again of the warm sensation I felt with Crystal and my dad when I had touched their skin. The only difference was that it felt good in a way that words could not describe.

''We will be together soon, my love,'' he whispered in my ear that sent shivers down my spine.

''I know, Adrian, I know,'' I said.

The next morning, I woke to find only Crystal in the other room and my dad was nowhere to be found. At first I thought maybe he went out to get groceries because we really did need some. I waited for three hours before I started to search the house. I don't know why, but the sense of wrongness I felt urged me to hasten my search. His belongings were gone-nothing of his were anywhere to be found. Everything of his was gone aside from a foreboding note on the table.

'I'm so sorry,' it read. 'I love you two so very much, and I hope that you will understand someday why I left and that you will soon forgive me. Someone will be coming to get you both and take you to a safer place, far away from here. Stick together no matter what.'

There are two sets of beautiful rings on the table next to the heartbreaking note. Ornate carvings of wolves decorated the golden rings. On one of the rings, my name was intricately scripted in the center and another held Rosie's name as well.

I didn't even have to tell Crystal that he was gone-somehow she already knew. This time she let the tears run down her face and she started to cry. Though I felt closest to my mother, it was Crystal who was the closest to my dad. They both seemed to love us equally though.

I gave Crystal a hug, not caring of the burning I felt on my skin. This time, I didn't even feel it, so I held her even closer. We both cried for what seemed like hours. After some time, there was a knock at the door and before I could answer it, the door opened on its own. I reminded myself of what the note had said, something about someone picking us up...and taking us far away from here. I was guessing this was whom he had been referring to, because woman similar to my mother's looks walked in and beckoned Crystal and I to her.

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