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As a young black girl growing up in South Florida, I was always surrounded by people who looked like me or people who came from a similar background. That background consisted of having parents who were immigrants, being pushed to achieve in school, and having dreams of leaving Florida.

Moving to go to college wasn't scary because I was independent and I couldn't wait to get away from home and the shit show that was called my family. FSU was my school of choice and upon getting there and starting classes, I was jarred by the reality that no one really cares about you and what you have going on.

Everyone I see goes on about their day with no regard to what you have happening in your own little bubble. It was amazing to go to class and not know a single soul in the room, yet make conversation awkwardly on the first day in an effort to not be so alone. Then you exchange numbers and text to study or help each other on an assignment.

Before you know it, the semester is over and you promise to keep in touch and meet up later. Yet the reality is, they are just another number in your phone that you probably wont text if you don't have another class together. It's quite depressing when you think about it because you have such high hopes that you will sprout a friendship only for reality to laugh in your face.

I had been so caught up in this internal conversation while walking, that a low hanging branch whacked me in the forehead.

"Ugh, get a grip for once." I mumble awkwardly while fiddling with my mask. "If only I put this much thought into that damned philosophy paper last semester." I grumbled while attempting to play off the fact that I literally walked into a tree limb.

I looked around and found that no one seemed to have noticed my altercation with the tree so I pretended it didn't happen and hurried into the building where my class is held. 

"Okay, where is it?" I softly questioned as I was looking around the building I just entered. My class was in room 335 so I went in the direction of the 300s. I'm looking on each side of the hall way for the right room number and almost walk straight into a young man who is also looking for a room.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." I tell him in a slightly panicked tone. 

"No worries." He said in placating tone. 

At this I looked up at him, he was attractive by my standards and had a slight smile on his face as he said this. He was tall, tanned, looked to be of asian descent, and had glasses that complemented his face well. He politely stepped back and allowed me space to walk in the the other direction. 

However, in a split second decision I asked him, "Did you happen to see room 335 down there?"

He looked at me surprised and said, "Nope, but I'm also looking for that room... Professor Nolan for Intro to religion right?"

My eyes widen and I nod quickly then say, "It's not where I just walked from either... maybe there is a directory or something that we can review?"

He seems to consider for a second and says with a chuckle, " Ya, that sounds like the best option at this point."

We walk back to the main lobby area and see everyone crowding around the directory. So I walk over with the young man and attempt to look through the sea of bodies but due to my petite stature, I cant see worth a damn.

I glance over at him and ask, "Can you see anything on the directory?"

He doesn't respond for a second then says, "Yes I found it, it seems to be on the bottom level."

The both of us quickly move and make our way down the staircase so we can get to the class and pick out our seats. Along the way we walk in a comfortable silence that is only filled by the hustle of students walking to their next classes or talking to friends about which class they have next. Once we arrive to the bottom level we finally spot the room at the back of the hall and slow our walking down to more of a stroll. 

We come to a stop in front of the door only to try the handle and realize it's still locked. Checking the time I realize we have about five minutes until the door automatically unlocks. I, being hard person to read, briefly thought about how he must perceive me with only half of my face uncovered. Since we are coming off of a pandemic I opted to still wear my mask, I also took notice that between looking at the directory and now he seems to have slipped on a mask.

I turn towards him with a raised eyebrow and ask, "What's your name?"

He looks at me and says, "Eli, and yours..."

It took me a moment to respond and I replied, "Adaline, what's your major?"

He replied, "Oh, I'm a Political science major with a minor in Asian studies, what about you?"

I look up at him with surprise and with a shrug I said, "I'm also a Political Science major but I'm unsure of my minor at the moment."

He nodded and we continued some chit chat about campus and how we liked the major so far. I was so engrossed in the conversation that I jolted when we heard the distinct click that signifies the door being unlocked. We entered and chose our seats while dozens of other students filed into the class and sat down. I pull out my Mac start to look at my syllabus for the class and out of the corner of my eye I see him looking at me.

So I turn to him and ask out of curiosity, "Have you seen the syllabus yet?"

He shakes his head no and said, "Based on what I have heard about this class we have a few papers and that pretty much it. Oh, and attendance isn't mandatory but it's recommended if you want extra credit." 

I nodded and before I could respond our professor walked in and started speaking. I turned back to face forward and began listening to our professors introduction and ground rules. The way the class was set up he was next to me but slightly ahead of me so I could look at him without necessarily turning my whole body. However, if we wanted to talk I would have to turn my head to fully view his face.

Throughout the class period I would briefly look at him and wonder if he would be different this time. Maybe we will actually be friends thats talk longer than a semester and text for more than just answers on an assignment. Given we have the same major I found it possible we would run into each other again outside of this class. 

Before I had time to consider some more, our class ended and students were packing up to leave. I absentmindedly put my laptop away and put my backpack on, I paused and looked over at Eli and waited for him to pack up.

He looks at me and we silently walk to the door and he opens it for me to walk through first. 

"Thank you." I say with a grateful nod and continue to walk and we make our way out of the building.

We get outside and before I can say anything he asks, "can I get your number?" 

we have taken off our masks outside and I'm assuming he sees my shock and quickly corrects himself.

"Oh, for class... like if you need help or if I need help for something" He says quickly with a very faint blush.

I nod and in a reassuring tone I say, "Sure." 

After exchanging phone numbers we say our goodbyes and go our separate ways for the day. As I walk to my place I get a text from Eli asking if I would like to meet at the Starbucks on campus to study at the end of the first week. I quickly responded affirmatively and suggested a time, which he agreed to and responded with a thumbs up and smiley face. 

I pondered my interaction with him, smiled despite myself and said, "Interesting..."


Authors Note:

Hello everyone! I hope you liked the Prologue because I put quite a bit of effort into writing it and making it flow well. Eli is definitely gonna be a mellow guy and Adaline is gonna be pretty closed off emotionally. But As the story line progresses we will see and improvement from Adaline and also get some insight about why she is so closed off. 

I hope you all have a wonderful day and I'll see you guys next time!💕

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2022 ⏰

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