A promenade dance, commonly called a prom, is a dance party for high school students. It may be offered in semi-formal black tie or informal suit for boys, and evening gowns for girls. This event is typically held near the end of the school year. There may be individual junior and senior proms or they may be combined.
Normally, this would be a big deal for a majority of people. Y/N L/N however was not one of these people. When you have thirteen girlfriends, a event like prom could be a major challenge.
Jazz was whistling to himself as he made his way to his locker. Just as he was about to get to his locker, a loud, bratty voice was heard.
"Hey music boy! Where's Y/N?!" The voice of Megatron was easy to recognize. Jazz looked behind him and saw Megatron, along with her friends, Soundwave, Shockwave, Breakdown, and Knockout. Starscream was more than likely searching for Y/N on her own.
Jazz gave her a confused look, and then smirked. "Oh what? Did you scare them off again?" Jazz joked.
"No! Where is he?" Megatron asked. "Do I look like I keep them on a leash?" Jazz said.
"No. Breakdown and Knockout do that." Shockwave said. Jazz's face fell as he looked at the two girls. "What? Makes him look cute, and shows. we are the dominant ones in the relationship." Breakdown said.
"Ok?" Jazz said mildly disturbed. "I don't know where he is, but maybe he's in the library? I hear Speaks his favorite book." Jazz said as Megatron and the Decepticons took off.
Jazz opened his locker and was surprised to see Y/N in there. "What the? Dude? What the heck are you doing in there?" Jazz asked.
"It's prom. And you know how clingy my girlfriend get out at events like this. Plus they can get a little lustful at times. I can't take any chances." Y/N said nervously as he stepped out of the locker.
"Than why didn't you just hide in your own locker?" Jazz asked.
"That's the first place they would have looked." Y/N said. He looked around nervously.
"You honestly expect to hide from them for three more days?" Jazz asked.
"I can try." Y/N said. Jazz just shrugged his shoulders. He could understand why Y/N was hiding from Megatron and the Decepticons.
"But are you gonna ask Optimus or the Autobot's?" Jazz asked. "More than likely. But they might likely ask me." Y/N said as he looked at his friend.
"I love them, but I just need my breathing room. I can't remember the last time I slept alone or spent time alone." Y/N said.
"Your dating thirteen girls. What did you think was going to happen?" Jazz asked.
"In my defense they were the ones who asked me to be their boyfriend." Y/N said. Just then, a voice was heard behind him.
"(Nickname)!" It was one of Y/N's Autobot's girlfriend's, Bumblebee. Y/N looked and saw Bumblebee running to Y/N. She jumped onto Y/N, wrapped her legs around his hips, and started kissing his face repeatedly.
Y/N blushed brightly at her affections. She hugged him and hid her face in his neck. "Mine." She said happily and nuzzled his neck.
"Oh Y/N, there you are." Optimus said as she walked to Y/N.
Y/N smiled softly when he looked at Optimus. She was very caring and protective for every one of her other Autobot friends and family. She is very noble, she has shown fine personal qualities and high moral principles and ideals.
As she walked to Y/N, her breasts bounced and jiggled a bit. Y/N couldn't help but blush.
"So Y/N, how are you?" Optimus asked Y/N and tilted her head a bit.
"So far so good. Right now I'm holding onto Bumblebee." Y/N said as he was holding onto Bumblebee.
"So Y/N...I was wondering. Would you wanna..." Optimus began. Y/N got a feeling that she was going to ask him to the prom. He gulped nervously and waited.
"Would you wanna hang up with me and Bumblebee during prom night?" Optimus asked him. Y/N looked at her in surprise, but accepted.
"Sure thing!" Y/N said to her. Optimus smiled.
"There he is!" Megatron's voice rang out. Y/N's heart sank as he heard her voice. Megatron, Soundwave, Shockwave, and the other Decepticons then tackled Y/N and shoved off Bumblebee.
"Where were you?! We looked everywhere for you!" Megatron said.
"...." Soundwave said nothing as she hugged Y/N.
"My pretty little pet, you shouldn't run and hide like that~." Shockwave said as she hugged Y/N's face.
"Hey! Leave him alone!" Optimus said. Megatron turned and growled at her former best friend.
"What? Suddenly being captain of the Autobot's, being rich, and having a daddy and parent or what you call a non binary parent in your life isn't enough for you?! Now your trying to take my-our man!" Megatron growled at Optimus. Optimus glared at Megatron.
"Bumblebee, get Y/N as I beat the crap out of Megatron!" Optimus said she charged at the Decepticons.
Which Ratchet and Wheeljack should be used?
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