Chapter 2

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'Chieko's p.o.v'
In the morning, I blinked my eyes open, I felt a bit groggy. The light was streaming in from the windows illuminating Aoi's crib. I sat up and felt the soft mattress underneath me. I decided that this would be a great place and time to open my inventory.

Inventory open: currents quirks are: Acid Orbs, flex palm to activate; Spiders, roll eyes back and open mouth to activate; Float, crouch jump to activate; Dragon, feel a strong emotion or arch back to activate; Elf, this is a mutation quirk and is constantly activated

I had a lot of them.

I slipped out of the blankets, and stood up. The carpet felt soft under my feet as I walked downstairs. I saw Aizawa in the kitchen making toast, he turned around noticing me in the corner of his eye.
"Oh hey, finally up?" He smiled at me, "Your clothes are probably dirty so I'll get Nemuri to go clothes shopping with you."
"Miss Midnight."
"Is she a teacher too?"
"So how'd you feel about this right now?" The toast had popped out, making me jump and he took it out to butter it.
"About what?"
"You know, you staying with me and all that."
"I don't know really, I hate the ba- home but I don't like it here too."
"Good summary, here's some toast."
"Thanks." The toast was nice I guess, I began eating until I heard wailing from upstairs.

I dropped the toast, ran upstairs and sprinted into the room. Aoi had woken up and was now crying like crazy.
"Hey.. hey.. it's okay, it's okay."
I cradled her in my arms rocking her to stop crying. She didn't stop crying and I started panicking. Maybe she was hungry or dying or ill or tired I didn't know.

I saw Aizawa come into the room and ignoring my protests he picked up Aoi and took her downstairs without saying anything. It took me a second to register what had happened then, I chased him down the stairs and into the kitchen. He had prepped a milk bottle already and was about to feed her. As if the universe had it in for me, I rolled my ankle to the side and pain shot through my leg.



He spoke in a monotone voice and was now feeding Aoi who was contentedly drinking her milk.

"Fuck off old man. Fuck that hurts like a bitch."

He sighed sounding slightly annoyed but Aoi started giggling with happiness which just tested how annoyed he couldn't be.
I finished off my toast and Midnight had come to take me shopping for clothes.

Her clothes were rather revealing but not as much as her hero outfit.
"Hello Keiko, Shota's told me all about you!" I looked at her with distrust and recoiled from her.

"C'mon Keiko, she doesn't bite."

As if. I met a girl called Himiko and she stabbed me. She fucking stabbed me so I was no going to be easily swayed on that matter but Aizawa pushed me towards her. She put her hand out and hesitantly I shook it. She smiled and looked back at Aizawa.

"I assume you'll stay for tea."
"For a few minutes Shota if that's alright."

He started making the tea,

"What type?" He asked.

"Any really you pick." She replied

He made a cherry tea and poured us some. It was my first time having tea without it being drugged for training, obviously I have a resistance to the type of chemicals at the bar but they still make me disorientated and dizzy. Seeing both of them drinking it as if it wasn't drugged, I sipped on it carefully. Soon the cup was finished and Midnight stood up.

"Well Shota, we should go, c'mon Keiko." She smiled and held out her hand. I took it nervously and followed her out of the house leaving Aoi in Aizawa's care.

Soon we arrived at the shopping centre and Midnight lead me into one of the clothes shops. I had chosen a pair of dungarees, a pink shirt, a yellow shirt, a large, black hoodie, two pairs of jeans, two leggings, a baggy black top and a set of black pajamas.

Midnight was choosing between two pairs of shoes when I felt a knife at my throat. It's as if I hadn't had enough drama.


The people in the shop either stared at me or started to empty their pockets out. Midnight stepped forward and started to activate her quirk but the knife dug into my neck, not quite drawing blood, luckily she stopped before I died.

I held in a laugh, rolled my eyes back and opened my mouth and tried to resist the gagging that would come. Tarantulas, red back spiders and black widows poured out of my mouth, the person freaked out and dropped the knife some how not slitting my throat as the spiders crawled onto their hand.

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to activate my quirk! Here let me help you get them off!" My acting skills were great thanks to my fake grovelling at my father's feet whenever I failed him in any way, shape or form.

I brushed off the spiders off their hand and arms, but after everything the person was freaking out and definitely was arachnophobic giving me a distraction to go into their sleeve, taking their quirk and scratch them real hard drawing blood and collecting their dna because I'm not an idiot.

I walked off towards Nemuri unphased.

"A- are you okay?"

"Not really but yeah I'm all good." I smiled awkwardly "And uh should we get clothes for Aoi?"

"How are you unphased by that?"

"I don't know just am, maybe I'm a psychopath... so the clothes?"

She looked at me in a weird way before showing me the clothes she picked out for Aoi.

Baby pink and pastel yellow babygrows with little sheep's running around in the centre. There were two of each and it was perfect for her. Midnight paid for it and we headed back to her car.

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