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Tengen was in charge of the color

Mitsui was in charge of the dress

Iguro wanted to help out Giyuu and Sanemi

Muichirou is just being a bean

Rengoku was making the food

The color should been something that can match them -Uzui

Pastel green and light blue -Kanroji

Let's go ask them -Uzui

Hey Shinazugawa and Tomoka, what the you think for pastel green and light blue -Kanroji

Sure -Giyuu and Sanemi

Wait, do Giyuu see blue as red -Uzui

Idk -Kanroji

Can they see white or black -Uzui

I think they can -Kanroji

So, Sanemi where is your kid? -Iguro

Koki is with Giyuu -Sanemi

Can I see her? -Iguro

Sure, Koki birthday is in a few months -Sanemi

Hey Koki, what should I make for your parents wedding -Rengoku

Whwt -Koki

Food? -Rengoku

Cupcwkr -Koki

Cupcake? Ok -Rengoku

Hey Rengoku and Koki -Iguro

Igwro -Koki

When is your birthday? -Iguro

November 19, 1921 - Koki

Ok -Iguro

Iguro, today is May 7th, you still have time -Rengoku

(Their date is May 7th 1922)

This dress? -Kanroji

Yes -Giyuu

With Muichirou

Hey Muichirou -Genya

Hey Genya - Muichirou

Are you happy? -Genya

I am nervous, I might forget some words - Muichirou

It is ok, they will help you, I know it -Genya

Thank you Genya - Muichirou

Welcome -Genya

With Uzui and Sanemi

You got a divorce not even 24 hours ago and you got a boyfriend -Sanemi

So what, I love him -Uzui

Kanroji have 5 siblings right? -Sanemi

Yes, you does -Uzui

I have a date I want you to see Sanemi -Kanroji

May 15? -Sanemi

Yea, I hear that to hot springs will be empty in the swords village -Kanroji

What about the guess who doesn't know about the village -Sanemi

Then I will deal with it -Kanroji

I am excited for this -Kagaya

During a party |\ Sanegiyuu /|Where stories live. Discover now