Chapter 47

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Chapter 47. National Scientists

    The news of the Jiang family's divorce was widely spread in the village, and many people thought that Jiang Yan was not good, a useless person, and had no ability.

    Some people also say that Wang Jinfeng's family is greedy for money and snobbery, and they kicked Jiang Yan just after they got married.

    Both families lived in the village, and the people in the village were divided into two major factions, some favored the Jiang family, some favored the Wang family, and they stood in line with each other.

    At this time, another news came out from the village, saying that Wang Yinfeng and Xu Chunshan, a capable man in the village, had obtained the certificate.

    Everyone: "..."

    Is there such a thing?

    It is rare enough for someone in the village to get a divorce, and the woman will get the certificate from someone else right away? Is this too fast?

    The second uncle Wang in the village couldn't stand it any longer: "Don't talk nonsense, you can't pull your wife's tongue about this kind of thing. If the Jiang family hears it, it will be bad."

    Someone who knew the inside story whispered: "It's not nonsense. , My nephew has friends in the town. They saw that Wang Yinfeng and Xu Chunshan got their certificates with their own eyes. Xu Chunshan has made a fortune in business in the past two years. Look at the five large tiled houses built by them. If I have a daughter, I will I am also willing to marry his daughter to him."

    "Then can Jiang Yan agree? Jiang Yan's fiery temper won't trouble the two of them?"

    Everyone was silent.

    It's not that bad, although Jiang Yan has no ability, but his temper is not small. In addition, he spent so much money when he got married. Now his daughter-in-law has divorced him and immediately married another man. No one can justify this?

    "It's okay, don't talk about it, don't let the Jiang family know about it.

    In fact, whether the Jiang family knows it or not, they really don't care. Everyone lives in the same village. They didn't want to offend Jiang Yan.

    At this time, Jiang Yan came out of the house. He just finished eating and went outside to get some air. He happened to walk under the stone mill in the village. Now the village uses an electric mill, but people like to hang out and chat here.

    As soon as he got here, someone greeted him.

    "Jiang Yan! Jiang Yan, have you eaten yet?"

    He reminded him that those who were talking loudly stopped talking.

    Jiang Yan knew what these people were talking about behind their backs, and he didn't care at all, he simply said hello, and Jiang Yan went home.

    In other words, whether Wang Yinfeng gets married or not has nothing to do with him, and he doesn't care about these things at all.

    As soon as he left, these people fry the pot.

    "Guess what happens when Jiang Yan finds out about this? He won't go to the wife's house to settle accounts, will he?"

    "That's very possible! Have you heard about it? There is a family in Xiao Liuzhuang next door, because his wife and Ye The man was fornicating, and after being caught, he ran back to his mother's house, and the man chased her to her mother's house and killed the whole family."

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