Chapter 5

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That night, he had another strange dream.

Someone was kneeling on all fours in front of him, coughing up purple flowers. Yang had heard about something like this from Fan (honey-hockey or whatever) but it wasn't supposed to be real!

Yang tried to help the person but every time he reached for them, his arms shoved them, acting of their own accord.

As the person lay dying, they faced him, tears covering their face.

It was Silver.

Yang woke up and noticed a strange wetness on his face. It took him a second to realize he was crying.

Suddenly, the events of the dream came rushing back to him.

Well, since it was - he glanced at the clock - 1 AM and he wasn't going to go back to sleep anytime soon, might as well use the internet. He went over to their desk, opened their laptop, and typed in the password (kittenMURDER).

On a whim, he decided to look up that flower Yin had talked about. He swore it was in his dream.

There it was, Evanescus Cantrella! Yang clicked on it and-


Evanescus Cantrella, also known as "Death's Kiss", is a species of plant that grows in the Mationa region. It is mostly known for its purple flowers and its lethal properties once ingested. Some folklore states that-

The world tilted.

Evanescus Cantrella was poisonous.

Yin had used it in the tea he gave to Silver.

Silver was dead.



Oh no.

"Yang, what are you looking-"

Oh no.

"Well, I'd say good morning, but that seems to have gone out of the window."

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