Chapter 19

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Fallenbranch lies down next to the warrior's den with a sparrow. She looks around camp, searching for Greymoon, but she was nowhere to be seen. Fallenbranch shrugs and starts eating her sparrow. Her mate was probably out on patrol. There was no need to worry.

"Hey Fallenbranch," Lilypaw comes trotting over to the pink-ish-red she-cat.

"Hi Lilypaw, what's up?" Fallenbranch asks around her prey.

"Have you seen Greymoon? I wanna talk to her," Lilypaw meows, flicking her small tail side to side.

"Not since sunhigh," Fallenbranch replies. "I think she's out on patrol."

"That's what I thought, but Darkstep said he didn't send her out on one after sunhigh," Lilypaw looks anxious.

Fallenbranch smiles at the young apprentice. "Then she probably went out on a walk. I know she likes being at the hanging rocks, so maybe you should check there."

Lilypaw nods, still looking anxious. "Ok. But Treetail says I shouldn't leave camp with a warrior, could you...?"

"Sure, Lilypaw," Fallenbranch purrs. "I'll be with you when I finish eating."

Lilypaw goes over to the entrance to camp and Fallenbranch takes the last couple of bites of her sparrow. She gets to her paws and walks over to the young apprentice.

"Ready?" Lilypaw asks.

"Yeah, let's go," Fallenbranch starts walking out of camp with Lilypaw following her closely. They make their way towards the river, where the hanging rocks could be seen. Fallenbranch grins when she sees a familiar grey pelt. She looks at Lilypaw and gives her a small nudge.

"Told you," Fallenbranch meows.

"Thanks Fallenbranch," Lilypaw meows softly.

"What do you need to talk to her about?" Fallenbranch asks.

"I just wanna talk to her about Jaykit... I wanna know how she handled Flickerkit's death," Lilypaw meows, lowering her eyes to the ground.

"Oh, I see," Fallenbranch nods. "Well, I'm sure she'll have lots of advice for you."


Fallenbranch was awoken by a rustling. She blearily opens her eyes to see Greymoon's thin tail slipping out of the den. Fallenbranch lowers her head back onto her paws and closes her eyes. Greymoon was just going on a late-night walk. It wasn't abnormal for her mate. She knew that Greymoon suffered from some bad sleeplessness most nights. As she drifted off into sleep, Fallenbranch couldn't help remembering the night the two of them became mates.


"Good morning, beautiful," Fallenbranch yawns to Greymoon.

"Morning," Greymoon replies, already wide awake.

"Did you sleep well?" Fallenbranch asks, burying her nose in her mate's fur.

"No..." Greymoon sighs. "I kept having nightmares."

Fallenbranch frowns. "You should talk to Rocktooth about that. Maybe she'll give you some poppy seeds to help you sleep tonight too."

Greymoon gives Fallenbranch a smile. "Good idea. Thanks, love."

The two of them get up and exit the den. Fallenbranch goes over to the fresh-kill pile to pick up some prey for the two of them while Greymoon walks over to Rocktooth. Fallenbranch settles next to the warriors den and waits for her mate to finish talking with her aunt. When Greymoon rejoined Fallenbranch, the pink-ish-red she-cat looks at her mate meaningfully.

"What did she say?" Fallenbranch prompts.

"She just told me that I should talk through the nightmares with someone I'm close with," Greymoon replies. "And that if I ever have trouble sleeping again to go to her."

"So, exactly what I said? Great to know I'm just as smart as Rocktooth," Fallenbranch meows.

"Fuzz brain," Greymoon purrs, cuffing her mate over the ear gently.


"Hi sweetie, how are you?" Coralsong meows as Fallenbranch sits next to her mother.

"I'm alright, Mom," Fallenbranch replies. "Can I ask you something?"

"Of course, honey. What is it?" Coralsong flicks her tail gently.

"Greymoon said that she's been having a lot of nightmares lately," Fallenbranch begins. "And I've noticed her slipping out of camp without telling anyone a lot more."

"I see," Coralsong nods.

"What should I do? I want to help her, but I don't know how."

Coralsong looks at the sky thoughtfully. "Well, have you told her to talk to Rocktooth?"

"Yeah," Fallenbranch nods, waiting for her mother's response.

"I do know that her mother was having nightmares before she and Flickerkit were born, so perhaps it's something similar," Coralsong continues. "I think you should let her come to you, dear. She might just be trying to handle it herself, so when she needs help she will come to you."

Fallenbranch looks away. "So, let her be is what you're saying?"

"Yes, but if it starts getting really bad, you should confront her yourself," Coralsong meows. "The most that you can do is just make sure she knows that you are there for her."

"Thanks, Mom," Fallenbranch smiles a little.

"Of course, sweetie."

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