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The familiar cry of an engine hummed through my ears as I chipped away at the loose splinters on the park bench. I glanced up to see Celty turning a sharp corner on Shooter before halting to a stop to park. I gave a lazy wave and Celty waved back, weaving her way over to sit beside me on the bench.

"Hey Celty," I smiled.

[ Hey! Sorry, I'm a little late, I had to take a different route to evade some cops! ] Her body lifted with a bit of silent laughter before she stilled. I held back a frown as she started to nervously twiddle her thumbs. [ So how have things been going lately..? ]

"Actually..." my palm rubbed at the back of my neck, "Pretty good I think." A little smile graced my face as I stared down at the grass.

[ Really?? Izaya hasn't done anything to trouble you? ] Her cat helmet tilted to the side.

"No. We've been getting along pretty alright." I paused to pluck off my shades as the evening sun started to get dimmer.

[ Wow. So there's no trouble at all..? ] I peered over at her with slumped shoulders frowning at her expectancy of the worst. She waved her hands frantically. [ I think it's good that there hasn't been any trouble! It's just surprising is all..! ]

My shoe dug into the dirt for a moment, "It's fine Celty, it is pretty shocking when you think about it. But I am happy that things changed between us."

I huddled my shoulders in as I glanced around the park, watching as a few people walked merrily together, mostly couples laughing hand in hand.

I shook my head.

Celty seemed to fidget as she watched me, [ Are you sure you're alright..? ]

My lips pursed together as I slouched forward with a groan. "There is... One thing." Celty held her PDA carefully, her shoulders square as she waited patiently for me to keep speaking.

I faltered under her stare. How the hell was I supposed to mention this without it sounding weird? I was honestly relieved to hear that I'd be able to talk to Celty alone, I figured I could talk to her but...

Celty still sat patiently, communicator in lap as her helmet's black visor felt like it was barring into my soul. I sighed, flopping back to bend across the back of the bench.

"It's just- Things have been nice lately. Especially compared to what they were..." Celty nodded her head in understanding. "I think I even consider him a friend now, as crazy as that sounds."

Celty's shoulders jumped, [ Seriously!? Things have been going that well? ]


[ Do you think you could tell me a bit about it? ]

My shoulders slumped and I repositioned myself on the bench to something more comfortable. "Yeah, sure." I mulled over my memory, thankful that Celty wanted to hear about stuff that has been at the forefront of my mind for a while now. I was honestly a little excited to talk about it.

"Well, it kinda started when I started noticing things about Izaya that I'd never noticed before." My hands urged along with my explanation, "He's actually got some pretty funny quirks. I used to think he was just some insane bastard that was obsessed with 'his' humans"

I laughed to myself, "Well- Not that he still isn't. It's just that there's more to him now." Celty's shoulders shook with laughter along with mine. "Like, did you know that he likes to watch children's shows?"

[ What!? ]

I snickered, "Seriously, he'll just randomly turn them on, says' they amuse him or something."

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