Chapter 1

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I woke up to the sound of my radio alarm. I smack the snooze button. I stare at the ceiling as Baby echoes throughout my room. I definitely have "Bieber Fever". I sit up and stretch. My body still feels tired, but I don't want to be late to school. I go to my closet to find something to wear. I pick out some leggings and a purple flannel. As I'm about to change I look around my room at Justin Bieber's eyes staring at me. Posters, of course. I wasn't sure whether I should feel flattered or creeped out that I was being stared at with those brown... paper eyes. It's not like I'm absolutely obsessed with the kid, but the first time I saw that little 12 year old on YouTube I got a weird feeling in my stomach. A good feeling though. Four years later I still am amazed by his talent. I grab my bag and trot down the stairs to find that my mom is making breakfast.

"Good morning mom!" I sit down hearing my stomach growl.

"Here you go sweetie" my mom sets a plate full of food on the table. My twin brother walks in with his hair sticking up in every direction.

 "Jake come eat!" My mother smiles at him. He sits down and looks at me.

"Hey Jace, some kid keeps texting me. I don't know who it is. Will you tell him for the 17th time that I'm not some guy named Dan."  I look at him with my mouth full. I swallow.

"Yeah sure. What's the number?" I put the number in my phone as Jake reads it off. I text the number
Me: Hey this number keeps texting my brother and he would really like to know who this is.

I start eating again, but my phone immediately vibrates.

Hey sorry I must have had the wrong number –JB

I freeze when I see the signature. I reply:

Me: JB? You have the same initials as Justin Bieber. Haha

That's weird. I like Justin but not even my I have a signature like that. Must be a hardcore belieber...or just somebody with the same initials. Let's not get too ahead of myself here.
My phone vibrates vibrates, pulling me from my thoughts.

Oh...yeah. You like that guy?

Me: Um yeah He's pretty cool. He's cute and has a lot of talent.

Well whoever this might be seems alright. I can't help but wonder what made them text this number in the beginning.
I stare at my phone anxiously. It must be a long text cuz they are takin awhile! I take a big drink of my milk

 It's always such a pleasure talking to a fan. -JB

I spit the milk everywhere. My brother and mom stare at me in wonder.

Me: I'm sorry, what? If you're trying to be funny, it's not working.

I glance at the time and realize I'm running late. Quickly putting my dishes in the sink, I run upstairs to change and grab my school bag. I'm barely out the door when I realize I forgot my phone at the table. 

"Shit, I'm going to be so late." I curse under my breath. I retrieve my phone and run outside to my car. I begin to back out of my driveway when my phone vibrated again. I glance down at it to look at the message preview. I had to blink a few times so make sure I was seeing clearly. Attached with a picture of this mystery phone guy and a message saying "Why..I'm Justin Bieber."


I smirk to myself after revealing my identity. Surely, this person wouldn't really believe me. I could have stole the picture from the internet. I reread the texts-- this is definitely a girl. A fan of me. I love texting random numbers hoping they are a fan, not that this was this case this time. I was trying to text my guitarist, Dan, but I forgot the twat had to change his number after it got leaked. My attention is drawn back to my phone. Ten minutes and no text returned. Maybe I should call...


I woke up to my phone repeatedly vibrating. I look only to see that number belonging to this troll pretending to be Justin Bieber. I quickly answer.
"Hello?" I was going to give this sucker a piece of my mind for harassing me.

"Hey, what's your name?" A sweet, male voice replied back to me. It really sounded like Justin Bieber. This guy was good.

"Um, " I stammer, "I'm not telling you."

"Well, my name is Justin."
I can almost hear him smiling. My heart pounds in my chest. There is absolutely no way in hell that this is Justin Bieber.

I clear my throat to snap myself back to the situation. "Listen, you should probably find a hobby because trolling random strangers won't exactly look good on a resume." 

He laughs at me. Prick. "I just wanted to make sure you were okay."
I look around and just notice I'm in my bed. How did I get here? I look at my night stand and see a note from my mom:  Hey sweetie I had Jake carry you in. I hope you're feeling okay. For the 6th time, you need to watch when you back out of the driveway. We will talk later about you paying for another mailbox. Love you-Mom
"I'm fine." I question myself why I'm even still even on the phone with this creep.

"Okay, good to know. Are you in school?" He asks, curiously.

I chuckle. "Oh yeah but...I'm not feeling well, so I'm staying home." A white lie, no big deal.

"Oh I'm sorry...So where do you live?"


"Oh really? I'm in Atlanta right not."

Atlanta was only an hour away from Marietta. "Wow, you're only an hour away from me." 

"Yeah so why don't we meet up and hang out?" 

Honestly, I'd like to know who this guy is. But we definitely have to meet in a very public setting.

"Yeah, meet me at Starbucks in an hour then." I may just regret this.

"See you then."

I jolt out of bed and scramble to make myself presentable. I change out of the outfit I was in and decide to go with mom jeans and a cropped hoodie. I look in the mirror and run my hands through my dark chocolate colored hair. 

When I step out my front door I see why I may have fainted. The mailbox was no longer upright and there was a nice sized dent in the back of my car. Could be worse. I decide to head to Starbucks early because I want to be there before this man gets there. That way, I can be on the lookout.

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