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I wake up to hear screaming coming from downstairs. I look at my clock and it says 8:04. Why are they up so early? I think to myself I get dressed and walk downstairs before I get to the last few steps I hear glass shattering I listen in.

"Give me you're daughter!"
"No!" I hear two voices say one was my father's.

"You give me you're daughter or I will kill her" My eyes widen. Who is my dad talking to??

And why do they want to take and harm me?

"Please! I'm so sorry It was a mistake I didn't mean it please don't take my daughter she and my wife are all I have left."

"You should have thought of that before you stole from me!" I hear something hard hit the floor but not break it sounded like someone falling.

"Now go get you're daughter i don't have all day" I close my mouth trying not to scream and slowly walk back up the stairs. Maybe if I'm extra quiet and fast I can pack up a few things and leave before anyone tried to grab me. Except that isn't going to work since I just made the stairs creek.

"Shit" I mutter to myself. Hopefully they didn't hear.

"Who's there?!" I hear that guys voice say. I try not to let tears fall as I stop and run upstairs. I go to my room and lock the door hearing running footsteps at the top of the stairs I open my window ready to jump out before I hear someone break my door down I don't even look to see who was there.

I was just trying to get the hell out of here. Before I can escape from the window someone grabs me I try to scream but they cover my mouth I try to kick them but my legs are short so that didn't work. He brings me downstairs and I look in the living room to see my dad passed out on the couch bleeding scared for my life the tears fall onto the guys glove he grabs a blindfold from his pocket and puts it around my eyes so i can't see. Why is this happening to me? I think to myself before I pass out.


I wake up and open my eyes I can't see anything I guess I'm still blindfolded I try to move my arms but my hands are handcuffed to I guess a chair. I try to scream for help but something is in my mouth I let a few tears fall before I hear someone coming down some.. stairs?.

"Hello love" I feel someone say while touching my cheek. I again try to scream but nothing comes out. "You must be wondering why you're here. well you're here because you're father stole something very important of mine and wouldn't give it back so I took the most valuable thing to him in exchange". "You" he takes the thing out of my mouth.

"If you behave I will not hurt you but if you sc-". "Help!!!!" I scream at the top of my lungs. He huffs and glares at me. I continue to do it while he continues to glare telling me to shut up I don't listen as I continue to scream for my life.

~Time skip~

"Let me go!" I scream for the hundredth time that evening. Except this time he looks at me with anger in his eyes. "If you do not shut up you will be punished" he says to me. I glare at him.

"What's you're name?" He asks me. "Kayla" I say to him if I'm going to die here I might as well tell him my name. He smirks at me. "Well Kayla I'm you're worst nightmare."

"Are you?" I reply back earning a slap from him. "Don't talk back to me!" "I'll talk back to you if I want to" I reply to him regretting it instantly when he takes a knife from the back of his pocket and cutting my leg. I scream out in pain as it goes in a little deep. "Now you know not to talk back to me!!" He yells at me before going back up the stairs after putting my blindfold back on. A few hours later I hear footsteps coming down the stairs I get scared and stay still not doing anything to upset him this time. I feel him take off my blindfold but are met with someone else a guy in his 20's with brown hair and blue eyes with an excellent jawline. He was gorgeous. I look into his eyes they were... Gentle I could tell he was different way different then the guy from before.

"You're lucky he didn't do worse" He says to me. "What?" I respond back. "It could have been a whole lot worse than it was for you I'm guessing it was because you're dad asked for him not to harm you in any way knowing he didn't listen I guess he didn't do it as badly as he could've because he didn't want a scar on you."

"So you're lucky" he bends down taking a first aid kid and grabbing what he needed from it. "This is going to sting" he says while taking a cotton ball and cleaning my leg. I hiss at the pain. "Sorry" he says looking at me. "Who are you?" I ask him. "My name is mason"

"Why are you here?" I ask him. "I could ask you the same thing" "I'm here because my dad stole something very important to my kidnapper and I was taken in exchange. so until my dad gives back what he stole I'm being held by a phychopathic asshole". I say fast. "Now. You're turn". "I work for him". He says to me with no emotion. "What?" I ask him.

"Do you really think he would let any random person in here talk to someone he kidnapped?" "No.." I reply looking down. "Don't sulk he'll love that. act tough don't cry it will get him bored he loves to see people suffer." He says looking down. "Okay" I reply back. He finishes my leg and wraps it. "Thanks" I say to him. "No problem" he gets up. "Here's you're food" he hands me a bowl with soup in it.

"Thanks". He nods in response. I look at the bowl questioningly wondering if my kidnapper poisoned it. "Don't worry I tasted it you're good it's not poisoned". "How do I know you're not lying?" I ask him with my brow raised. "You don't. But you're just going to have to trust me". "Why would I trust someone who works for my kidnapper?". "I don't know maybe because I fixed you're leg up? And gave you advice on how to survive with him?". "Fair enough" I respond. 

"I got to go" he says. I frown. "Be careful Kayla don't play with him he's not someone to mess with". He replies while taking a last glance at me before going up the stairs". Whatever if it's poisoned I think to myself I'm starving and would rather die by food poisoning then being cut alive". I take a bite of My food very slowly. I wait two minutes and nothing happens.

Turns out Mason was telling the truth it isn't poisoned. I eat the rest of my food and hear footsteps coming down the stairs I sit still waiting for it to be mason coming to get the bowl but freeze when I see it's HIM. "Seems that even though I'm holding you as my prisoner you're still getting treated good. "Give me a bed and a TV and we will be set". I reply he chuckeles. I then remember what mason told me. Be careful Kayla don't play with him he's not someone to mess with. I reply back and forth in my mind. I close my mouth not saying anything else. "well you sure have learned you're lesson" he says to me I look up at him not saying anything. He sighs. "You're getting boring now"  he says to me while going up the stairs. I think I can get through this. As long as my dad gives back what he took I can make it.

Hi guys!! That was the very first chapter of my new book I literally started writing this last night at midnight lol the ideas just came to me and I think that this is going to be one amazing and insane book. Well in my opinion lol anyways I hope you guys liked it!! Bye!!

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