the day after.

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I wake up to water being splashed on my face. I open my eyes to see darkness. The blindfold gets yanked off of me. And I see HIM again. "Well hello sunshine". He grins at me I look at his shirt and see blood everywhere. did he kill someone? I think to myself
"It's good that you're awake because yesterday I was nice on you now.. you have questions to answer understand?". I nod in response. "Where did you're dad take my box?!". "What box?" I ask him. Is he literally worried about a box? He really kidnapped me for a box?
"The box that has all of my guns in it!!".  Oh so that's why it's important. "Answer me!" He yells to me while  pointing a gun at me  "I don't know anything about no damn box dude! Now get that gun out of my face it isn't going to get you anywhere!" I yell at him. closing my mouth instantly after he glares at me. "Yes, you do!!" "No I don't!" I scream at him. He slaps me. "You will tell me sooner or later! You bitch!". He runs upstairs slamming the door. A few minutes ago by and I hear the door open I close my eyes praying I don't get hit again. "It's me Kayla." I hear mason say. thank God!. I open my eyes and see him. I smile at him. "Hey mason" I say as he puts my soup down. "Hey Kayla". He says slowly. "What's wrong?" He doesn't answer. "Mason?. What's wrong?". "Kayla..". "Yeah?". "You're dad's dead." He says to me slowly. After it came out it felt like a gunshot just went through my chest tears come to my eyes. "What?". I ask him. "How?."  "He tried to hide the box and he did but David, got to him and killed him I'm sorry." "Who's David?" I ask him while the tears are dripping down my face and affecting my vision. "You're kidnapper Kayla". It felt like my whole world just got dark. "You let him kill my dad?". I yell at him. "No Kayla, I didn't I'm so sorry". "Why didn't you help him?!". "He's my leader Kayla! I can't just betray him that fast!". "You're not the same person I met yesterday I don't know you". "You're right you don't". He says as he stomps upstairs. I lean my head down and cry myself to sleep. ~timeskip to later that night~
I wake up and hear voices upstairs it gives me deja Vu of the day I was kidnapped when David and my dad were yelling. I never got to say goodbye tears slip down my face as I hear the door open and David come downstairs. "So, you know."  "You killed my father". "Yes I did and I enjoyed it too you know all he did when he was dying was say you're name? Praying that you were okay but.. I told him you were dead and he let a few tears slip off his face before he took his last breath." "Well at least he's somewhere he can actually see I'm alive". "Are you?." He asks me "you may be physically alive but mentally? You died yesterday when you found out about you're poor father." I yank my hands at the handcuffs trying to break free but it's no use I'm not strong enough to break them. "Well now that you're dad is out of the way I need you to tell me where he hid the box." "I already told you! I don't know anything about no box let alone where he put it!!". I yell back. He looks at me with a glare in his eyes I could tell that he's had enough. He comes up to me and slaps me across the face and goes back upstairs. "Dick". I say to myself. ~timeskip~ It's been eight hours since me and Mason had a fight and I miss him terribly. I shouldn't have yelled at him for something that wasn't his fault and that he had no control over. I'm so sorry mason pls forgive me. I hear the door open and I pray that it's mason. Anddd.. it is he comes down the stairs not making eye contact with me and hands me some soup he's about to go back upstairs when I stop him. "Mason" I say slowly. "What?". He replies still not making eye contact. "I'm sorry". I say looking down a tear falls down my cheek. "I instantly blamed you even though, it wasn't you're fault and I'm sorry". He nods. "Pls forgive me". He looks at me and lightly smiles feeling he forgives me by the look in his eyes. For the first time in two days I grinned. "Well, enjoy you're food". He says trying to go back upstairs again. "Mason wait". "Yeah?". "Stay with me?". I ask him. He looks up at the stairs cautiously thinking about whether or not he should do it. I see him smile and he sits next to me. I smile at him. Today was a really long day.

End of chapter two

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2023 ⏰

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