why do you hurt me?

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Kirishima pov~

"Another day of hell. Bakugo my bully and his dumbass friends are beating me up again. As usual the one with brown long hair trips me to the ground, while the boy with black hair flips me over and kicks me in the gut. I groan in pain while I see bakugo walking towards me. With his dumb good looking spiky blond hair, and his handsome jawline. Fuck~"

"I know it's not manly of me to crush on a boy but he's just so pretty. And I literally have feelings for my bully. It sounds stupid and all but I just can't control my feelings. Bakugo lifts me up by my collar and starts punching me in the face. His friends chuckle a bit then walk away. Now it's just me and Bakugo."

"Bakugo finally stops punching me in the face, and moves to my stomach. It's hurts so fucking bad. "Why do you hurt me Katsuki?" I mumble quietly but he still heard it. "What the fuck did you just say to me extra." He says in an angry tone which made me shiver. Fuck.
If only I was manly enough to stand up for myself."

"I said why do you bully me Katsuki." I say in a nervous tone. "Don't ever fucking call me by my first name you cunt." He says and pushes me to the ground. I groan and hug my gut. "Hey blondy if you don't get your ass away from him I'll get one of the teachers." I heard a familiar voice say."

"Tch whatever extra, and before I go, I bully you because it's fun and you don't even try to fight back like the others, pussy." He says while laughing and walking away. I see Mina running over to me with a worried look on her face. "Kirishima oh my god are you ok, I can't believe that dick was hurting you again." She said in an angry but worried tone. "I'm fine but he is right I don't even fight back I just stand there and let it happen I'm not even close to being manly I'm just a pussy , a useless piece of shit." I say on the urge of tears. "Kirishima don't say that, it's not true, don't listen to that jerk." She says helping me up."

"I look down and start walking with her to her next period. I gladly have a free period. Right after I say bye to Mina, I turn around and see a bunch of people staring at me which made me a bit nervous and confused. I scratch my cheek and notice that my face was covered with blood from my nose and that I was covered in bruises. My eyes widen and I run to the bathroom while covering my face. I open my bag and grab bandages and peroxide and a few cotton balls to cover my injuries. I get bullied every day so might as well bring stuff to clean my injuries with. I pour peroxide on my arm which stung like a bitch."

"Finally I finished fixing my self up I look at the time and saw that I had 20 minutes left until next period. I decided to chill in the bathroom for the rest of the time. I heard the bell ring and started walking to my next period which is science and I have it with Bakugo. He really did a number on me. Thank god it's the last week of school. I'm glad I'm getting out of this hell hole since I'm moving this summer. Sadly I'll have to say goodbye to Mina. Most likely I'll cry which isn't manly of me. I mean. Guys cry too so maybe it is manly."

"Anyways Bakugo really took his anger out on me or something because I have bruises all over me and scratches. The bell rang and I walked into my next period. I always hated science I'm bad at it and I literally sit right next to bakugo. I mean yes I have a tiny crush on him for some stupid reason but he's literally my bully."

"I notice Bakugo isn't here yet so at least I have a few seconds of peace. The bell rung again and I noticed Bakugo was late. Im a bit worried I mean he's never late. Even though he does seem like a guy who is always late but he's usually early and he always has the highest grades in our class."

"I lay my head down and look out the window. Two more days until it's summer break. I'm glad I'm moving away but I am really going to miss Mina. She's been my friend ever since elementary. The desk shook a bit and I looked over and saw Bakugo. He looked a bit down. I mean I don't know why he would look down especially since he was beating the crap out of me about an hour ago. I sit up and glance a bit at him. He's so pretty. My face turns a bit pink. I look away and lay my head down facing the board now. At least we have a sub. She doesn't even care so it's technically a free period. I decide to face the window again and maybe try to get some rest since this class is an hour and a half long. I close my eyes and start drifting off to sleep."

Bakugo pov~

"Stupid fucking deku. He's a fucking snitch. I'm gonna so get grounded when I get home. At least raccoon eyes wasn't the one who snitched. But it had to be fucking deku. I guess he really wanted to get my foot in his face."

"Shit, im fucking late. I walk into class and notice we have a sub. Thank god the bitch is asleep so she won't mark me tardy. I walked to my desk with my hands in my pocket. I feel eyes on me and look at shitty face. He was looking at the board. I swear he was just looking at me like a creep. I walked to my desk next to shitty face and throw my bag down and slump down into my seat. I scroll through instagram since there was nothing else to do. I glance over at shitty face and notice he's asleep. I hear small snores coming from him. I smirk a bit. God he's such a dumbass."

"After the bell rang everybody started getting up to leave school. Fuck I forgot I had detention. At least I don't have to get up to go to another classroom. I look next to me and still see kirishima asleep. This dumbass is still asleep. I notice I'm in the classroom without a teacher. I guess I can skip detention. I better wake him up I mean it would be kinda funny to just leave him here, but I'm not that much of an asshole."

"I looked over at him and shook him a bit. God is this idiot not a light sleeper. I notice that he's drooling which makes me chuckle. I shook him a bit harder which did the trick. He yawns and then rubs his eyes. "Oh crap where is everyone?" He asks and then looks at me. "Dumbass you were still asleep so I decided to wake you up." I say in an annoyed tone. "Oh uh sorry but I should get going I guess." He says getting up and grabbing his bag. "Bye Bakugo."

"Tch." I say back while following him with my eyes. He stops for a second which makes me confused. "hey since schools gonna end tomorrow can you meet me after school tomorrow by the big cherry tree in the back." He says still standing there but not looking face to face with me. Why does he wanna talk to me alone. Isn't he like afraid of me like everyone else. "Whatever 4:15 sharp and if your not there I'll make sure to make your school year a living hell next year you hear me shitty face." I say in an angry voice. He nods his head and walks away. Shitty Face...

Kirishima pov~

"I finally have the courage to tell him how I feel. Most likely he won't take it well I know he's straight and most likely homophobic. I mean I am bisexual myself but maybe there is a tiny chance he won't hit me. Either way I won't ever see his face again so it's a win win I guess."

Friday 1:30pm at school~

"Only two more classes left and school is over. Well, I'm also confessing to Bakugo today. I have my next class with Mina so I guess I'll tell her the news. She didn't even know I like him in the first place but yeah. Oh crap. I haven't told her I'm moving away either. I'm such a bad friend."

"I walk in and sit next to Mina. "Hey kiri." she says while smiling. "Hey Mina I have to tell you a few important things, and promise me you won't freak out." I say nervously. She looks at me with a confused look but nods her head. "I'm moving away and I also have a crush on Bakugo and I'm planning on confessing to him today so I won't be humiliated by him forever." I say with one breath. She looks at me with wide eyes and her mouth hung open. She slaps me. "Ow what the heck meanie." I say holding my cheek. "YOUR SERIOUSLY TELLING ME THIS NOW ASSHOLE AND YOU LITERALLY HAVE A CRUSH ON A DICKHEAD, BUT HEY WELCOME TO THE LGBTQ+ CLUB BUT YOU REALLY HAD TO TELL ME YOUR MOVING AWAY TODAY!" She says loudly. "geez Mina keep it down I'm sorry okay." I say with a sad look. "It's alright ok just promise me we will keep in contact." She says. "Promise and also your gay?"
I asked. "I'm pansexual actually and what about you?" She asks. "Oh I'm bisexual hehe." I say giggling a bit."

"Well since we both have a free period after this how about we plan out how your going to confess to him huh." She says with a smile. "Oh god yes please I'm so nervous. I say while shaking with excitement but also nervousness."

1740 words

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