Chapter 12

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"Hoy! Kayong tatlo!" Someone shouted

We turned around and we saw Nathan walking towards us.

"Bakit hindi nyo ako sinama?"
"Ang sama nyo!:'(" he added

"Bakit kayo pumunta ng Ilocos ng hindi nyo ako sinasama?! Kainis kayo ahh:'((" Kuya Nate. HAHAHHAH

kung andon ka, hindi sana kami magiging close ni Bongy!

"Ah-eh.. hehe! Sofie scratched her nape

"K-kuya, kasi a-ano-" Claire

"Ano!? What?! Ang daya nyo,sobraa!" Nathan

"Edi kung kasama ka, hindi namin sila malalandi!" I whispered to my friends and they laughed. Ang sama tuloy ng tingin ni Kuya Nate.  HAHAHAHAHA

"Why are you guys laughing? May sinabi ba akong nakakatawa?" He's serious na. We should take this seriously na din.

"No,kuya! We're so sorry! It's unexpected." I explained

"Hays.. whatever, Tine!" He answered. And he left us

"HAHAHA! Iba ka talaga,Celestine!" Claire

"Buti nalang hindi ka nya narinig! HAHAHAHA" Sofie. Well, buti nga!



"Hey, you're spacing out nanaman!" Claire
"Ano ba iniisip mo? Kanina ka pa sa classroom!" She added

I miss him, i miss his voice, his touch,everything!

"Wala lang, im thinking kung pasado ba ako this quarter!"

"Hoy! Sigurado akong pasado ka! Baka si Celestine Harper Vanille ka!" I just smile on Sofie.


After school

"Hey,Dad!" I kissed him on his cheeks

"How's your day,darling?" Dad

"All good po, im kinda not myself today po. Hehe" i answered him

"Why? Did something happened?"

"Ahh.. no,dad! No, nothing happened po"
"I'll change clothes na and I'll take a rest po muna!" I added

"Ok,hon!" Dad.

Hon? Hmmm! I miss him.😢
I wonder what is he doing right now.

I fell asleep, i guess i was asleep for over an hour?


I got up, and went straight to the bathroom and washed my face.

I got down and i saw tito Justin and Nate.

"You're awake na, how's your sleep?" Tito Justin

"It's good po," i smiled

"I was about to wake you up earlier eh ,kaso i saw you sleeping peacefully so i decided not to wake you up nalang!" He uttered

"Ohh, i see. Thank you!" I said while walking towards him. And i lay on his laps.

He caressed my hair, and asked me

"You good?" He whispered

"Let's go to the garden." He added

My sister is sleeping.. again!

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