Chapter 26

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It's almost dinner, we're just waiting for Tine.

She wore black dress. I stared at her while she's walking towards and talking her mom.

"So pretty naman my baby!" Her Mom said.

"Mom, syempre naman! Kanino pa ba magmamana? Haha" Tine.

"Edi saakin! Haha" Her Mom.

She looked at me, it was my first time seeing her wearing things like this.

She smiled at me.

"Alright, since the birthday girl is here na. Let's eat dinner, sing her and greet her a happy birthday. Kahit na ilang beses na natin siyang binati! Haha" Justin.


We ate dinner and now we're singing a Happy Birthday to Tine.

"Blow your candle na, make a wish,love!" Her Mom.

What's your wish, love?

She blew the candle.

"Wooohhh!" They said and we clapped.

"Tineeeee, Happy Birthday! Love yahh!" Claire greeted her and she hugged Tine.

"Thankiesss, Claire! Love you too!" She replied.

"Happy Birthday to our baby girll!" Sofie said and hugged her tight.

"Ah-ahh,Sof! S-so ti-tight na-naman!" Tine said.

"But, thanks! Im not a minor na! Haha!"

"Let's go Bar Hopping naa!" Alexa jokingly said.

"Haha joke. Happy Birthday, Tine!" Alexa added.

"Yeah,girll! Let's drink four different brands of liquor!" Tine said and her friends laughed, i looked at her seriously.

Uh-uhm excuse me?!

"Happy Eighteenth Birthday, Tine! Bar na usss!" Tiffany said.

"Yesss, Tiffyyy! Thankiess!"  Tine replied.

"Happy Birthday to my first born! Love you,love!" Dad said.

"Thank you,daddyyow! Love you more!" Tine.

"My baby is almost an adult na!" Her Mom said while sobbing.

"Happy Birthday!" She added.

"Mommy,stop!" Tine's tears are forming.

"Th-thank you,Mom!" She hugged her.

"Wahh! Ang drama mo Camilla!" Justin.

"Happy Birthday to my baby!" Justin added.

Akin yan po! :)

"You will be always my baby kahit na you're almost an adult na:')" Justin.

"Hay nako,Tito! Thank you, i love you!" Tine.

"Happy Birthday,ateeee! Sana mahal ka rin niya! Mwa!" Tricia.

Who,Tricia? I can love her, kaya kung sino man yun, back off shes gonna be MINE!

"Ewan ko sayo! Haha! Thank youu!"

"Happy Birthday, Tine!" Alexa and Tiffany's parents greeted her.

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