Idiots and Pretty Girls

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Had a bit of time during breakfast to edit this, another one shot from the drafts while I work on the stories you guys are waiting on!


"Unnie!" Lisa whined. "Why do I have to be the one to clean again? I hate cleaning." Lisa pouted.

"Because you suck at cooking Limario!" Jisoo shouted back from the kitchen in their firehouse. "You can't cook for us so you have to pick up the slack somewhere else!"

Lisa huffed. They were ten hours into their 24 hour shift and Jisoo was her captain and she was a stickler for making the place look spotless. Lisa thought she might be a little ocd because every time Lisa accidentally hung Jisoo's fire jacket on the right hook instead of the left one in her locker when she was cleaning Jisoo would scold her. Jisoo liked all of her things in certain places and if you moved them even an inch you were in trouble.

Not to mention she once made Lisa scrub the floors with a toothbrush, though Lisa figured a little belatedly that Jisoo had been kidding about actually doing it all with just a toothbrush and their whole crew laughed at her expense that whole day when they found her scrubbing the floors with it.

Still, Lisa hated that she sucked at cooking because she was always stuck with the other fire house chores, namely, cleaning. It was ironic really, the fact she almost set fire to the fire house the first time she had been assigned to cook for the crew. Luckily, since she was a firefighter, she knew exactly just how to put it out.

They never let her live it down though. They teased her relentlessly. Especially Jisoo.

"What kind of firefighter makes fires Limario! We put them out, not start them!" Jisoo said as she found Lisa next to their firehouse's blackened stove.

"I didn't mean to!"

"You're buying us a new stove." Jisoo demanded.

"I just started working! I can't afford a stove. I think? How much do stoves even cost? I don't own one." Lisa asked, furrowing her brows in confusion.

"You don't own a stove?" Jisoo asked incredulously.

"Nope. Got rid of it after the third time I almost burnt down my house." Lisa said matter of factly as if she hadn't just admitted she had started three separate fires.

"This is a joke right?"

"No? That's the whole reason I became a firefighter, I'm good at putting them out. I put out my first fire out at 12 years old." Lisa said proudly.

"A fire that you started?" Jisoo snickered.

"Well, yeah." Lisa admitted.

"How are you proud of that you idiot! You're the one that started it but you're focusing on the fact you put it out?" Jisoo cackled.

"I'm an optimist! Glass half full and all that!" Lisa protested.

"No, you're just an idiot." Jisoo deadpanned.

Lisa pouted.

"You're banned from the kitchen. I'm giving you a restraining order. You must keep at least an eighty foot radius away from this kitchen at all times." Jisoo demanded.

"But if I can't get within eighty feet of the kitchen that would put me outside of the firehouse!" Lisa whined.

"Exactly. You snore. It's annoying. I hate that you picked the bunk next to mine." Jisoo said.

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