Part 2

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Lisa had been in and out of consciousness for days because despite the fact she had missed the worst of it, she had still gotten several bricks and rubble to the head. She was sure she had a concussion and she was starving and weak.

She was pretty sure she was delirious because any concept of time had completely eluded her. All she kept thinking about those three days was having let Jennie down by not making it for their anniversary date. It's all that kept Lisa going and fighting. She couldn't possibly fail Jennie like that.

Everything was a blur after that.

Lisa passed out right as they took her into the ambulance.

She didn't come to until a week later. Her wife was next to her bed, holding her hand and looking like she'd been crying for weeks. Her eyes were bloodshot and her hair was disheveled, which was very telling of Jennie's mental state because she took pride in her appearance.

Jennie wouldn't even go to the grocery store without getting ready in some way, even if it was just donning some cute sweats that dwarfed her and putting her hair up in a messy bun that somehow looked equal parts casual and meticulous, Jennie always, always fixed herself before leaving the house so the fact her hair was everywhere right now, even though Lisa still thought Jennie looked very adorable, spoke volumes.

"Baby." Lisa croaked out.

Jennie jumped at the sudden noise and started crying again, stroking Lisa's bruised face and kissing her everywhere as gently as she could.

Jennie had almost lost it this week. The more the days went on the more the bruising showed on Lisa's body. Lisa's entire left side was one massive purple bruise and every time Jennie would wash her as best she could while Lisa was out, Jennie would cry as she saw how much she had been hurt.

She refused to let the nurses do it. They were all very sweet and kind, but none of them loved Lisa like she did so naturally, they wouldn't be as gentle with her as Jennie would so Jennie took on those duties, bathing Lisa every day with a washcloth while the nurses helped maneuver Lisa for Jennie.

For the first time in Jennie's life, she didn't even feel the jealousy at the fact someone else was seeing Lisa naked like that. She was too distraught at the fact Lisa wouldn't wake up already. At the fact she had broken ribs that had just barely missed puncturing her lungs and almost killed her.

"You're quitting!" Jennie said adamantly once she finally choked the tears back enough to speak. "I'm not losing you over that death trap of a job! You don't need a job, I'll work for the both of us. I make enough, you can stay home and play video games all day for all I care. You're not going back!"

"I love my job Jennie, I don't want to quit." Lisa said honestly. "The only thing I've ever hated about it is that I'm away from you but other than that it's my dream Nini. I love being a firefighter. You know that. Do I really have to quit?"

"Love me more." Jennie pleaded desperately. "I can't lose you."

"You won't lose me love."

"I thought you died Lisa! You were gone for days! Do you even know what that felt like? To imagine you buried and burned under piles of concrete! To think I was never going to see your face again!" Jennie shrieked, crying hard again as she stroked Lisa's face. "You said you would be careful. You promised me when we got married that you wouldn't be reckless anymore like Jisoo said you always used to be. You promised Lisa!"

"I know, I'm sorry baby, but there was a little girl, I had to save her! Her parents are gone. She's all alone now. I know I shouldn't have ran in there but I'm glad I did. There's no way she would have survived if I hadn't. She's too little."

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