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Bill stared at himself in the mirror for a few long moments. He was wearing a golden yellow sundress, with black tights and converse shoes. He placed a hand on his chin, stroking it thoughtfully. Damn, he looked good. But it didn't feel right. He sighed as he began to remove the dress. This whole gender thing was really confusing him. Personally, he didn't see how what was between a person's legs affected what they should wear or how they should act, but apparently that was a major thing among humans.

Bill could see the future, and he had seen the past. Humans always discriminated against each other, especially when it came to gender roles. They've done it in the past, and they would continue to do it in the foreseeable future. Bill had a banana, so society wouldn't allow him to do the same things as someone with a skiddlyboop. And, by the same rule, someone with a skiddlyboop couldn't do the same things as someone with a banana. Humans; they were so stupid. Bill figured that he might as well just cut off his banana so he could do whatever he wanted, but then society would see him as a weirdo.

That was when he came to a realization. Why did he even care what they thought about him? He wasn't human! The thought caused another giggle to rise in his throat as he picked up the next outfit from the hook on the dressing room wall. He slipped out of the dress and tights before putting on the new outfit.

It was snazzy, and he looked rather... How would a human put it? Sexy? Handsome? Bill pulled the yellow tailcoat on over his white collared shirt, and gazed at himself in the mirror. He wore black slacks and black oxford shoes that clicked when he walked. Tight black gloves covered his hands, and a top hat rested atop his head. He grinned at his own reflection. Oh, this would do just fine.

After purchasing the clothes - including the dress and tights because Bill doesn't conform to the ideals of human gender roles - he walked back to his college dorm. There he changed into the white dress shirt, slacks, oxford shoes, and suspenders. He hung up the dress and tights in the closet, then laid the tailcoat out before him. It was missing something. Bill needed people to remember him when he walked by. Dressing so formally left an impression on its own, but he needed that extra... pizazz.

Luckily, Bill knew exactly what to add to it. He rummaged around and managed to find some fabric, as well as scissors and a needle. He didn't have much material to work with, but he was clever. Within ten minutes he had added to the tailcoat by sewing a small cape to the back with an eye upon it. It was identical to the singular eye he possessed in his abstract form, and it was absolutely perfect. Without further hesitation he donned the tailcoat and placed the hat upon his head.

However, he was still missing something. He blinked rapidly, covering each of his eyes again. His blurry vision was getting irritating. He took the excess fabric and fashioned a black eye patch from it, then used it to cover his Midscape-seeing eye. He grinned as his vision sharpened yet again, and turned back to his room. He needed something else... He spotted a cane in the corner of the room.

That's right, two years ago Ruben had broken a leg and used the cane in his late stages of recovery. Now it was useless, just sitting in the corner since Ruben had been too lazy to throw it out. Bill rushed over to it and grabbed it, brushing off the dust that had accumulated from its lack of use. He gripped it tightly in his right hand and gave it a small twirl. He chuckled again, exclaiming to himself, "Oh, this is grand!"

He was going to do a small runway walk in the mirror when Ruben's phone vibrated loudly. Bill froze and turned, staring at the device on the desk. It began to emit the classic marimba tone, but no one was calling. No, it was an alarm. Bill walked over and picked the phone up, unlocking it and staring at the alarm label.

Book club meeting in the library at 3:30.

Bill blinked, staring down at the notification for a few long moments before turning the alarm off. He slipped the device into his pocket and pivoted on his heel, doing a sharp about face before walking over to Ruben's bag. Inside he found a copy of As a Man Thinketh. It wasn't very much of a book as it was a prolonged essay. Bill remembered the guy who published it, too. This would make for an interesting conversation.

Bill smiled widely, deciding that he should at least play around a little bit before screwing up the human race. He did one last check of his appearance in the mirror, and only after he made sure that there was no trace of Ruben left, he walked outside and headed down to the library.

Let the fun begin.

Coincidence - Bill Cipher x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now