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    As time wore on, Bill stored energy. He observed the humans warily, watching the thought processes of every individual person for hundreds of years. His fears were slowly put to rest as he realized that the humans would never reach enlightenment on their own. They had so much potential, yet they were too stupid to realize their own abilities. They were too busy hating each other to see that if they worked together, they could overthrow the whole universal order.

    Humans were the only beings Bill had come across that had the ability to travel between the Mindscape and the logical world of their own accord. Because their minds were still connected to their frail, useless bodies during their dreams, they were provided with a quick and safe route back to their own plane. That meant that he couldn't hurt them when they came into his territory, but he could certainly scare them back to theirs.

    Eventually, Bill became a sort of nightmare-maker. Whenever a human wondered a bit too far into the Mindscape during one of their dreams, Bill would frighten them back into the world of logic. They would wake up and eventually forget about the whole experience. It was useful in the sense that it kept the humans from learning too much, and it provided Bill with a form of entertainment.

     But watching them destroy each other was equally as amusing. The sheer amount of hate that they contained for each other was hilarious — they were all immature little children! They all shared the same planet, but they still fought over land and resources. They killed each other simply because they couldn't agree over things that didn't even matter, like religion. Instead of working to build each other up and advance as a race, each individual toiled away to gain power for themselves so that they might bring someone else down.

    That was why they would never be a threat to Bill, nor the other entities that naturally existed in the mindscape. Sure, there were a few times when they appeared to come together and realize what they had to do as a race, but those moments were few and far in between, and they always came to a swift conclusion when they focused on their own survival once more.

     As time advanced, Bill became bored. He had saved enough energy to last him millennia, and he'd grown weary of observing the never-ending stupidity of humans. That was how decided that he'd perform an experiment of sorts.

     A quick-witted young lad came to the Mindscape one day in his dreams. He wasn't a day past 20, and Bill had been observing him for his whole life. His name was Ruben, but that wasn't important. What was interesting was the fact that the kid was a genius. He had graduated at the top of his class, and was accepted into a reputable university. He was studying philosophy, a useless profession. He was the kind of guy who was always reading, and it appeared that his whole life had been a quest of knowledge.

     Bill was about to give that knowledge to him.

     Ruben was going about his dream as normal, tucked away in his own little patch of Mindscape that formed his subconscious. Bill was able to enter his mind with ease. He quickly blew Ruben out of his own dream, which had been boring and insignificant. Bill cleared the boy's mind, and approached him. "You there, human! You've been searching for answers to all of life's problems for years, right?"

     Ruben stared at Bill in complete confusion. It was evident that he had never seen anything like him, and his puny mind was having difficulty processing Bill's presence. This caused Bill to sigh, and he decided to help him along a little.

     "You're a philosopher, aren't you? Geez, I thought you'd be happy to be offered the secrets of the universe.." Bill paused before continuing, "Look, I'm offering you something that no other human has received. I know more than what you could imagine, and I'm prepared to give that knowledge to you, if you give me a small token in return. We can work out the details later, okay?"     

     Ruben was still bewildered, but he was eager to accept the offer. Everyone knows that humans aren't in the clearest state of mind when they're dreaming, which was probably why it was so easy to fool him. As soon as Bill shook hands with the kid, he was doomed.

     Bill transferred everything that he knew to the kid at once. Logic, and all its uselessness, the lack of it in the Mindscape, the foolishness of humans, how worthless his own life was... All of it was too much information for a human to handle. His consciousness quickly disintegrated. Bill watched as Ruben held both hands to his head, screaming as his entire being was torn apart. Within moments he was reduced to wisps of energy, which Bill quickly absorbed.

     Now the real experiment could begin. A functioning human body rested down there in the logical world without a consciousness tied to it. It was there for the taking, and Bill wasted no time in claiming ownership of it.

     Bill woke up in the bed of a small college dorm room. His eyes flew open, and he stared at the ceiling in amazement. He knew that the transition from existing as an abstract being to becoming a creature of the logical world would be strange, but he never could have imagined that it felt like this. The whole concept of feeling was new to him, and it was completely overwhelming. He could feel the blood pumping through his veins, his heart beating within his chest, the oxygen within his lungs, and the thousands of chemical reactions occurring within every inch of his body at that very second. He could feel every individual cell that made up the bag of flesh he called a body, each functioning like cogs and pins in a huge machine.

     His brain was set ablaze, each neuron like a piston as it worked to keep up with Bill's lightning-quick thought process. His extensive mental abilities were taking over, turning Ruben's puddy-like brain into a masterpiece. A splitting pain came through his skull, and Bill cringed. Pain. It was the sharpest feeling of all, and it doubled the previous affects his body had on him. Bill felt even more alive as his breathing quickened and his hands came up to his temples.

     He could touch. He nearly panicked upon the sensation of his skin brushing against itself. It was completely foreign, but exciting nonetheless. He took a few deep breaths, and found a chuckle rising in his throat. He could feel everything. His own weight being pulled towards the earth from gravity, the air entering his throat, the atmosphere weighing down upon him from thousands of miles up, and the vastness of space beyond. He was a fleck of dust in comparison, but he didn't mind.

     Bill rose and jumped out of bed. The jolts of electricity that his brain sent to control his limbs felt like fire. His chuckle turned into a laugh which grew and grew until he was nearly on the floor. It felt so good to laugh, especially since he'd never experienced it before. He continued his mad, hysterical laughter for nearly half an hour before forcing it back down to a giggle. He rose and ran to the bathroom, staring at himself in the mirror just to further affirm that he was in fact human.

     Ruben's blonde hair was shaggy and messy, like a bird's nest. His amber eyes had dark circles beneath them from the abundance of late-night studying he'd been doing for finals. His tall, lanky stature was slim and weak, but Bill could fix that up later. He didn't travel to a different plane for athleticism. Bill observed his eyes for a few moments, then saw that something was off.

     One of his eyes had become duller than the other. When Bill closed the dull eye, his vision became sharper. When he closed the normal eye, he could see into the Mindscape. He chuckled as he looked upwards, holding one eye closed as he waved to the other beings that were watching him in jealousy. "Hah!" He began to giggle once more, too giddy to keep from it. This was absolutely grand.

     Bill rummaged through the medicine cabinet and began to fix himself up. He combed his hair and trimmed it with some scissors, creating a rather amazing hairstyle within ten minutes. He couldn't do very much to conceal the bags beneath his eyes — Ruben, being a guy, didn't really invest in makeup — but that was alright. He changed out of Ruben's pajamas and into casual wear, which consisted of old jeans and a hoodie that bore the logo of the college he attended.

    Bill looked at the outfit in the mirror and tsked quietly. This wouldn't do at all. He turned on his heel and picked up Ruben's wallet, which luckily wasn't short on money since he was from a wealthy line of lawyers. Despite Ruben's intellect, he really was the black sheep of his family. How convenient! Figuring that he had enough cash to buy a decent outfit, Bill took it and left the dorm immediately.

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