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"Heartless Blogger"

---Last chapter

@TheHeartlessBlogger mm.. Who knew they let the sluts out today. 

@Brittanylakes Mmm that's odd I thought you would know . Because last time I heard you say something about that thing you love he does with his tongue .. Or was that your other boyfriend ?

-Heartless Blogger .

"Oh it's on" she said angrily.


I woke with a refreshment on mind. Maybe just because i know its "Prom Season" and people dont pay mention to me . For the basic people (Brittany) its about the fact that her pathetic excuse to live. revolve around how "cool" she looks or who she hang with ,or how straight she can fry her hair, or how short your shorts are, what guy she can get with, and a whole lot of other useless garbage that no one cares about in ten years . But Im gonna tell her that ? No she can waste her life as much as she wants . Not my problem.

** At School **

Walking in school halls are two types of people there is the "Omg Becky lets stop in the f-ing hall way and talk about Jeremy! " and there people like me (shocker) trying to not to get on peoples way because I just wanna get to the stupid class and just get it over with .

While walking to math classy some preppy cheerleader walked up to me and with her fake cheery voice which bringed anger to me and said

"Hey ! Um I totally forgot your name .. but its like whatever anyways prom is in a few days so make sure to buy your tickets and also make sure to vote Brittany for prom queen and Jeremy for king!!"

Just As I got the fyler for prom. I saw a fallen angel from heaven aka Matthew Woods (cliche name but idc) also known as Brittany ex-boyfriend . There been rumours that Matthew broke up with Brittany but theres other rumours of Brittany breaking up with him . But I chose to believe he did broke up with her for me but I clearly know he did it be away from her. I would now suddenly realize I have been daydreaming mean awhile looking at him and him looking at me.

All of sudden I see the devil her self looking at me with her famous smirk.

Which made my skin boil with anger." I just wish she will fall off a tree already." I said quitely feeling the sweaty crowd hall ways .

As I did that I heard a deep chuckle near me . I was suddenly alerted so Just when I was about to turn around but my phone ringed as if I got a message which made me stop and turn on my phone . It was from unknown number it said.

"After all Heartless is a nine lettered word ".

Who is this person and how did they get my phone number I'm basically a loner with 3 contracts and is he/she talking about I said to Brittany ? I few minutes ago? maybe it's just a stupid prank I said to my self as I'm walking the crowded hall ways alone ..

Hellooo beautiful people!! Thanks for reading this chapter it means A lot! Make sure to like,comment,and overall ENJOY this book.
This book means a lot to me.

Fyi my book says "the end" but its not !!! Its just glitch: P (I think)

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Music : Do I really wanna know by Arctic Monkeys (fav song that fits perfectly in this chapter)

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