The Rich and The Poor

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Everyone hurts. From the rich to the poor, everyone hurts.

Nothing keeps people from losing their loved ones and the people they care about.
We teach children so many valuable things like how to love, how to give, how to recieve, and how to help.
Yet we've made monsters and divided a country because of racism, sexism, guns, and gays. A lack of respect of how the mind works and that some may need more help than others.
We divide more than we heal and at the end of the day, a loss of one thing is a loss for all.

Children are slaughtered at school for a lack of response their community failed to complete.
Women are slaughtered because of crimes committed and genetics that failed.
People live in fear because of who they love and what color their skin is.
Somehow, though, this fear is okay.

Yet, the scariest things that keep us up at night aren't proven to be fact.
What scares us is the most fictional and unrealistic things because of the what if.
We just don't think to consider that people made of flesh and blood are the scariest things of all because Madam Death is at work for real. People have to live with the shame and the grieve. The missing and the missed.
In the end, no one wins and it's the scariest thing.

No one wins. Everyone hurts. From the rich to the poor, everyone loses and everyone hurts.

***Author's Note:
I normally don't write stuff like this but it's terrifying living in this age where the future is so uncertain that fear is more prominent than love. I hope that I can speak on this freely here for a second because everyone's speaking on it and yes, I want a minute to add my two cents. People are focusing on children at the wrong stages of their lives and we're currently teaching children that being unborn is more important than their right to go to school and learn. We're teaching children that they don't matter after birth. Children are dying and yet absolutely nothing is being done about it because how dare a mother chose herself over her unborn baby. How dare someone chose to not bring another could-be victim of gun violence, rape, incest, racism, and violence that is brought upon people for loving who they want to love. I hope that there is no more progression backwards because humanity deserves better than where we are right now.

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