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'What do ya wanna do?' I ask my boyfriend laying on my bed in nike shorts and a cropped top.
'I don't mind but I need to speak to you.'
I stared at him shocked. He came over to me and he stood me up from the bed and looked at me in my eyes.
'I-I slept with your best friend.' He started staring at the floor.
'What the actual hell is wrong with you?!' I shout.
'Listen i'm sorry. I didn't know how you would react and I really like her. We actually started dating behind your back.' He hugs me.
'Get off me!' I screamed.
'You won't understand my pain, a few days ago I just flippin fainted and now your telling me this absaloute crap that you think I would give a shit about?! Get out of my house and don't contact me ever again.I thought I could trust you with my life and I guess i'll never be the same again you were perfect for me, Stewart but I knew damn-well that something has been off lately.'Tears started to form in my eyes.
'No please- Amari i'll make it work out between the both of us.' He picked up my chin and wiped away my tears.
'Get out of my bloody house!' I scream at his face, packed his stuff for him and threw it down the stairs. 'Leave and never come back!You backstabber!' I scream and slam my bedroom door shut. Now I have no boyfriend.
'Hey hun, are you ok?I heard you were shouting.' Mum shouts from her room downstairs on the second floor.
'Yup I was!' I shout back.
My sis came running up the stairs.
'Amari Amari Amari!' She shouts bursting into my room.
'What on earth-?Anyways why are you in my room?' I ask looking at her with red eyes and crying.
'Are you ok? I heard something like someone was having a full shouting conversation with their boyfriend.' My sis says staring at me.
'Yeah, I did actually.' I say 'He's gone now.He slept with May and I'm going to confront her tomorrow and scream and shout at her until my voice hurts.' I said as my sis sits on my bed.
'Ok can I help?' She says. 'I love shouting!'
'Good I bloody well know you bloody love shouting.And yes you can help.'
'YAYYYYY' She screams running downstairs as I lay on my bed and drift off to sleep.Dreaming about what just happened between the both of us, me and Stewart and my ex best-friend, May.

Something bads about to happen to me.Where stories live. Discover now