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"How can hands be this magic?", Alexia breathes, when she feels Erin's cold, oily hands on her back, as her forehead rests on her arms, her body facing the massage bench she was laying on.

"I guess it comes from the job", Erin answers, her voice quiet as her hands roam over the athletes muscled back, massaging the tense spots.

"I think I need to hire you as my personal therapist", Alexia chuckles, her voice hardly be heard, when Erin's hands massage down her spine, pressing just the right spots as Alexia breathes.

"I'm always just a call away", Erin chuckles, as she watches the athlete getting more relaxed with every minute that passes.

"I wished it would be this easy", Alexia mumbles.

"Don't worry about that now, love", Erin answers, as she lets her palms roam over the athletes toned legs, down to her feet before reaching back up, putting a light pressure on those muscles.

The blonde takes her time, not feeling rushed at all as she massages her girlfriends tanned body, giving every tense spot the needed attention as she works on Alexia with her cold fingers.

"How are your fingers always that cold?", Alexia wonders, speaking into the leather of the bench.

"I have no idea, actually", Erin chuckles, watching as her own fingers work up the athletes shoulder blades, caressing the back of her neck just below the hairline when she sees small goosebumps growing on Alexia's skin.

"It's like throwing ice cubes in a fire", Alexia mumbles, perceiving the coldness of Erin's fingertips on every spot she touches.

"You describe yourself as the fire?", Erin jokes dryly.

"I described your fingers as ice cubes", Alexia answers, her voice just as dry as the blondes had been.

"Yet, you said you're hot", Erin shrugs.

"I did not say that", Alexia mentions quietly, sounding slightly embarrassed as the blonde teases her.

"I'm kidding, you're just so easy to tease", Erin chuckles, taking her time as she massages Alexia's back, looking over the collection of meaningful tattoos that were covering the captains back.

"Labor omnia vincit improbus", Alexia mumbles, feeling as Erin's cold fingertips brush over her left shoulder blade, just where she knew the tattoo was.

"Hard work conquers all things", Erin translates, making Alexia smile as she brushes softly over the thin lines of ink, taking her time as she thinks about the meaning behind it.

"Those small pieces of art are really amazing", Erin smiles, adoring the ink that was covering the athletes while back.

"You're describing it as art?", Alexia whispers as she grins widely, her cheeks burning red as she hides her face in her arms.

"They are just really beautiful, now that I know what all of them mean. It is art", Erin whispers, suddenly leaning down as she brushes her lips over the athletes shoulder, leaving the captain shiver underneath that touch.

"You feel so good", Alexia breathes, enjoying the blondes touch as she feels cold fingertips making its way down her body, until Erin lets them rest on her behind, going around the bench so she was now standing in front of the brown haired woman's head.

"Someone's getting excited", Erin teases, thankful that she was wearing her clothes again, since she already had a warm feeling between her legs, again.

The memories from inside the sauna rushing through the blondes hands as she runs her hands up Alexia's back, before she massages back down towards her behind, again.

La Reina - Alexia PutellasWhere stories live. Discover now