Chapter 2

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Finally lunch time, I walk into the cafeteria with my food because the food here is disgusting and I sat at my usual spot at the back of the cafeteria.

Am used to eating alone so I didnt mind if i was the only one at the table.

As I was eating my lunch I caught Aiden who was at the table for popular kids grinning at me, I just rolled my eyes and kept on eating my food.

"Hey girl" Dave said as he sat beside me

"Hi" I replied not looking up from my food

"I finally did it " he said with a huge grin on his face

"Did what?" I looked up at him with a confused look plastered on my face

"I asked her out" he said almost shouting

"What!! Are you serious am really happy for you" I hugged him almost chocking him

I knew he has been trying to talk to her since the 3rd grade but he always backed out without even talking to her. So I was really happy when he finally asked her out.

I know what might be on your mind, the answer is no I have never had a boyfriend never kissed any one yes am a virgin inside and out. Yes I always get teased just because am a virgin, but honestly I don't mind what ever they say I just ignore them and mind my own business.

"Hey princess" Aiden said as he walked up to my table

I felt the urge to roll mg eyes but I resisted it. 

I dearly talk to him because he is most popular at school incredible arrogant and a major fuck boy. I heard he has done it with half of the female population in my school. Honestly I don't see what girls actually find interesting in him. Sometimes I wonder why some girls have to stoop so low.

"What"I replied bluntly not really interested in what he had to say

"Ohh,I see you'r a fiesty one"I just roll my eyes get up and try to walk out of the cafeteria. 

Obviously by now he had drawn the attention of so many students. He blocked my way and drawed me into him. I was taken aback by what happened but before I could pull away, he pulled me further into him and kissed me.

I stood there frozen in one place not knowing what to do, I wanted to move but I just couldn't move it was like I got paralyzed at his touch. 

"What!!" I can't be thinking of that

I pushed him of me and gave him hard slap i heard gasped from other people but I couldn't Care less. How could he just take my first kiss

I walked out of the cafeteria in shock and tears streaming down my face.

"How could that have happened"I thought to my self running down the hall.

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