Chapter 1

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TikTok was fast becoming an all-consuming passion for the handsome dancer named Perri Kiely. He was talented, famous and now it seems he was a hearththrob. Most of his pals in Diversity couldn't believe how much he had changed in such a short time. Group leader Ashley kept saying he had had an express delivery of hormones. He couldn't deny the 10 inch growth spurt and his newfound muscle bulk was a surprise to even him and the sheer number of females that had started to be vociferous in their adoration knocked him for six but all that paled next to the thing that really gave him joy. Ever since he had downloaded the video app he had become obsessed. He followed cooking accounts, conspiracy theorists, life hacks and of course dancers. He had started to post himself but only had a few thousand followers. He decided one evening, having snorted with laughter most of that night, that he was going to be among the list of the biggest accounts in the UK.


Leigh had been a diversity fan for as long as she could remember. She first crushed on Ashley Banjo, he was the typical handsome, clever, charming guy that all the girls and their mums adored. So when she saw one of his team mates on Dancing on Ice of course she was going to support him. But as he progressed through the competition, so did her feelings. Every new performance showed a different side of him. By the time he reached the final she was absolutely hooked. He was so sweet, so vulnerable but clearly very powerful and more talented at dance than anyone she had ever seen. She decided to get online and find out more about him. She fell deep down the fan rabbit hole, and has been falling ever since.


Perri felt emotionally adrift after coming second on Dancing On Ice. He spent most of his days clenching his fists and smiling through gritted teeth when he supposed best friend Jordan joked for the thousandth time about how second was the new first. He was no longer a success, even though, to most, being runner up out of twelve celebrity competitors was a brilliant achievement. It definitely helped his career, he had been inundated with messages and new followers on twitter and Instagram. He slumped down on the sofa in the studio's reception area and pulled out his phone. He could see lots more likes on his older videos. A thought came to him suddenly. Maybe his new DOI fans will follow him on to here. He scrolled through the new followers and looked at their faces, there were a mix of ages and genders. He jumped up and headed to studio which is the best place to seek inspiration. He stared at the spiral staircase in the far corner and it came to him. He corralled his teammates to join in. The numbers exploded after uploading it. His comments section was ablaze.

"The real winner of DOI ⛸you are a pro!" said one

"You are the TikTok king, can't wait to see you on tour next year!" said another.

"Hi please answer".

"I love you".

They just kept coming. Perri was delighted. The celebrity dancer spent the next few days looking for a video to top the success of the spiral slide one and he found it, once again after posting the view and like numbers went crazy. He found himself addicted to reading the comments. But he wasn't sure whether to comment or like on every one, would people think him desperate? So he quietly lurked in his own comments instead. He could see a pattern emerging, some fans were commenting on every video and sometimes more than once. A few names started to stick in his mind.

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