Slay ending <3

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Good Ending :) (lotsa fluff lols)

About two weeks had passed since Sonic first arrived to stay with Knuckles on Angel island, in hopes of his situation getting hadn't. 'Yet' knuckles kept on telling himself, 'Sonic's condition hasn't gotten better,, yet. But it will, he has to get better. He has too.'

Knuckles repeated those thoughts in his head in hopes for some sort of comfort as he slowly drifted off to sleep.

(in Knuckles dream, cause i know the italics aint finna work)

Knuckles and Sonic were sitting atop the shrine of the Master Emerald, staring together at the sunset. And although Knuckles had seen the sunset from here many times before...something about this felt different.

And maybe its because of the way the golden light from the sun shone down onto Sonic's blue fur, making the hedgehog look angelic. The more Knuckles stared at Sonic, the more he started to feel a strange feeling in his stomach, but it wasn't a bad feeling... But before Knuckles could determine what it was, Sonic turned to face the echidna.

Sonic's green eyes stared into Knuckle's magenta eyes in a sort of complimentary color mash-up. The moment was peaceful, until Sonic seemed startled by something and quickly turned his head away. Knuckles tilted his head in a sad-confused manner.

"Sonic? Is something wrong?" the echidna asked.

Sonic hesitated before responding, "no, everythings fine but..." He paused and looked back at Knuckles before averting his eyes again, "there's something I need to tell you Knux..."

"Oh?" Knuckles questioned, ignoring the weird feeling he had when Sonic used the nickname.

"Well, um you do i say this,," Sonic paused before turning his head to face Knuckles, making eye contact with the Echidna, "knux, I like you, a lot and..." sonic's face heated up before he could finish the sentence.

Knuckles absorbed Sonic's words, all the gears in his brain turning trying to decipher what Sonic had meant. Knuckle's face flushed once he cracked the code, and the strange feeling from before returning to his stomach. But, the more Knuckles thought about it, the more he came to the conclusion that he felt the same.

He returned to consciousness to look at Sonic, who looked sad and started to stand up before Knuckles could even get a word out.

"Yeah, I figured this would backfire on me." Sonic started to walk away.

Knuckles, realizing he was going to miss his chance, quickly stood up and grabbed Sonic's arm, being careful not to grip it too tightly.

"Sonic wait-" he began, pulling Sonic closer to him, but not too close, "I, I like you a lot as well, Sonic." Knuckles smiled.

Sonic's eyes widened, before lowering again as he smiled and pulled his and Knuckles bodies closer together. Knuckles blushed, but didn't fight against it, instead gripping Sonic's cheeks and pulling their faces together until their lips interlocked in a kis-


Knuckles bolted upright, awaking from his dream. His face flushed and his breathing heavy as the dream replayed itself in his mind. He wasn't sure how to react to it if he was being honest, (does anyone really know how to react to a dream like that?)
Nonetheless, Knuckles was a trained echidna warrior, and he did know how to calm down from panic. He took a deep breath in, and breathed out slowly, repeating this process until he could feel his nerves calming.

Now in a better state of mind, Knuckles analyzed his dream, trying to determine what it meant. He has analyzed his dreams many times before, as they usually would help him figure out how to better guard the master emerald, or give him clues to his past...but this was very different from either of those.

tfw the blue hedgehog begins to cough up purple flowersWhere stories live. Discover now