Bad and innocent thieves

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*Butch throws Lucky on the wagon*

*Lucky still stays quiet*

Butch: now listen here you little mousquitoe: I'll untie you hands, BUT if you try to escape once... Well do I even have to explain... *She grins evil*

*Lucky still is quiet and just stares at Butch*

Butch: could you stop that, it's creeping me out!

*Lucky still doesn't react*

Butch: UGHHH I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS! *she unties Lucky* Now walk and don't you dare argue!

*They all walk to the front of the train*

*Meanwhile in Miradearo*

* Pru, Abigail and Javier storm the church in*

all three in unison: THEY HAVE HER!

Jim: Who has who?

Pru: Lucky!-

Abigail: They have Lucky!

Kate: Who is they?-

Javier: Butch Lepray and her gang!

*Everyone has worried expressions on their faces*

Kate: Do you know where they are taking her?

Pru: No...

Fito: Then what are we waiting for!?

Estrella: We have to go look for her immediately!

*Everyone is talking restlessly and worried*

Jim; Okay okay everyone calm down!-

James: aren't you worried about your daughter? I'm very dissapointed in yo-

Jim: ofcourse I'm worried, but the girls told me all about her escape the last time she was kidnapped by Butch so-


Jim: Yes but-

*Everyone talking restlessly and worried Again!.*


*Everyone is silent at once and stared at Pru*

Pru: Just let Jim speak!

Jim: Thanks Pru, As I was saying Lucky has been kidnapped by Butch once before so she knows how she is like, and Lucky isn't often scared, so I doubt she's scared now! Pru, Abigail, Javier do you know what Butch is after?

Javier: When I was tied up I heard them talk about trains and robbing..

Abigail: They are going to rob a train..

Pru: and they are using Lucky because she is the daughter of the boss!

Jim: I told her the code off the save...

Javier: But even if we know now they are gonna use Lucky to rob a train, we still don't know which train they are robbing!

Jim: We'll find out soon! Dad, Kate, Cora, Abigail, Pru and Javier come with me!

Cora: Why-

Jim: We're going to the train station! Looking which trains are riding at the moment!

*They storm off leaving the church in shock*

*With Butch and Lucky*

Butch: Keep walking! *Pokes Lucky in the back*

*Lucky groans raging mad*

Lucky: *mumbles* keep your hands off me

Butch: Heard that!

*They arrive at the front of the train*

Butch: now.. would you be so kind to open this for me *points to the save* or.. well I know where your family lives *plays with a gun*

*Lucky growls furious but opens it*

Butch: good girl.. and now so you will behave *Clics Lucky to a pole so she can't go away* and.. I'm in a good mood so you'll come home as fast as possible! *pulls the gear lever up and out* I'll see ya!



Hi guys! Sorry for updating so late! But I was a bit busy so I didn't have time to write! But I'll try to update more often!  Ps. Sorry for my spelling mistakes English isn't my first language😅

See you guys soon!


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